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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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When my friends saw that marvel, the also showed their interest and wish to share and contribute in it. At last, we all agreed to draw a lottery for three times and he, who will win for two times, he will be declared its master. Thus, we drew the draw accordingly and my name was drawn three times instead of two times and I was declared the master of that mummy as the luckiest fellow. I sent it my mail to my London address and we went to the bank of the river Nile for playing hunting. I was carrying my gun that it spontaneously shoot by itself and the bone of my arm fractured badly due to this gunshot and I was badly perturbed by pain. The sailor was ordered to take the boat to city but, by chance, a strong wind started blowing from opposite side which drove the boat backwards and we reached Cairo after ten days. During this time, the wound in my arm had become too protuberant and putrefy. Many Doctors checked it and many treatments were done but to no avail. At last, the arm was cut from hand to elbow. In the journey back from Egypt, my both friends and companions died on the ship and their dead bodies were delivered to sea waves. Both of our trunks in which were very precious statues and other antique and marvels which we had collected in Egypt with handsome efforts and great money, were stolen and in spite of hard search and investigation and offering handsome rewards, they were not found. When I reached home, the parcel of that mummy was lying there still sealed'. He said 'Mr. Cheiro! You will hardly accept that this can happen that whenever I saw the picture painted on the coffin (wooden chest) of that lady, her eyes became filled with the signs of life and it stared at me with strong displeasure and hatred and her face turned so much heinous and frightening that my blood felt drying by her stare'.




He added that 'the second day I had reached London, an educated lady came to meet me after she had heard the news of that amazing mummy and when she heard the different accounts of accidents and deaths related with the mummy, she laughed at this and said that she did not believe in such superstitions and such tales were to affect her not. In short, that lady she requested to take that mummy to her residence. Thus, it was given in her custody. The day that coffin (wooden chest) entered her house, a chain of sufferings triggered. Hence, first, when her mother was coming down from first floor of her house to greet her, she fell from the staircase so badly that her femur bone was broken she died in wake of great pain and suffering. Second, a man who was related with her and was going to marry her, he, for no solid reason, broke the relations and refused to marry. Within a few months, all of her rare and precious dogs, four of which had won prize, became mad one after the other and were killed. In the end, she became a victim of that incurable disease that doctors became hopeless in diagnosing it. At last, she rang her legal advisor and asked him to prepare her 'will'. That cautious legal professional advisor sent that dangerous coffin (wooden chest) back to my house. I had committed and determined to part from that coffin (wooden chest) forever because I had already suffered so much because of it. Thus I thought the best option would be to donate it to British museum for Egyptian marvels. The official and member of the museum through whom my decision was to be conveyed to authorities, was himself very much curious to see this astonishing thing. Therefore, he, instead of taking it to the museum directly, he first, took it to his house.


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