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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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God knows if there is or not any end of this endless system of these stars, planets, suns and many other kinds of the celestial bodies. There is no doubt that those stars which are seen like tiny eggs up our heads in the atmosphere are not so small lamps or candles as they are seen to us but instead these are spheres far bigger and enormous in size as compared to our earth. Since these are away from us millions and billions of miles, therefore, these are seen so little and on some of these spheres, creation is living inside and why should it not be present.


Allah Almighty says: if He will, He can be rid of you and bring (instead of you) some new creation. That is not a hard thing for Allah (35:16-17)


Allah Almighty says: Allah it is who has created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The commandment comes down among them slowly, that you may know that Allah is Able to do all things, and that Allah surrounds all things in knowledge (65:12)


Hence, a number of this kind of verses are present inside the Holy Quran through which it is proven that Allah Almighty creates earths like this earth and He has no inconvenience, tiredness and problem in creating these as:


Naught of weariness touches Us (50:38)


(He is) not wearied by their creation (46:33)


It proves that Allah Almighty causes so and will cause such forever and no decline, hurdle and stoppage can confront His such Caliber of Creativity.


The experts of Knowledge of Bodies have sometimes observed in their observatories by means of the powerful telescopes in the space of sky that a sphere, that is, a star which they were observing together through their telescopes has vanished at once from their eyes and at times a new sphere has come into creation suddenly.




Hence, that Caliber of Allah which He has mentioned in the Noble Quran, is being certified by the scientists and the astrologists of this day through their devices with proofs. On the other hand, we, like bats, have been advancing in the darkness of the outdated orthodox thinking because of our rigidity of mind and think it Kufr to deviate a little from our blind Taqleed. May Allah Almighty grant Muslims the right understanding and true perception.


The unending and the unlimited array of the Realm of Creation and the Realm of the Witnessed is telling with evidence that the only a fraction of the manifest and marvel of His unlimited Caliber of Creativity is being seen by us in play. However, His unrelenting Caliber of Creation is in action inside the Subtle and the most extensive and colossal Realm of Invisible and the Realm of Command. If Allah Almighty keeps His Calibers 'the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, and the Fashioner' (59:24) in process in the same way, new worlds and new domains will continue emerging forever and the limits and bounds of the time and space, the widths of earth, sky and mountains will start shivering after becoming unable to hold and bear the result of Allah's these Calibers and will start crying and will weep for help under the threat of this mighty and weighty burden of the Trust because of their incapacity and inability to bear it.


Allah Almighty says: Lo! We offered the trust to heavens and the earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it. (33:72)


In space, some stars exist in gacesou form, some in liquid form, some in firey form and some are in earthly form. However, some stars are in a composite form like our earth that these have all the fire, water, air and soil. On such spheres, presence of creatures and life is certainly possible. The astrologers of this age have seen through their telescopes the mountains, rivers, clouds and jungles on some spheres.


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