every human Subtlety
derives utility from each Bulk
of the Holy Quran according
to its Maratib
and gets appointed over the Levels of Islam, Eimaan
, Eiqaan,
Irfaan, Qurb
, Fanaa
, Baqaa
and reaches the Stations
of the Nasoot
, Malakoot
, Lahoot
, Hahoot
and Huwiyyat
and every next higher Degree and Station
is seventy thousand times superior to its previous lower Degree and Station
terms f Sawaab, Auspiciousness (and blessing), Beneficence
and virtue and this
number of Seven Thousand is not any exaggeration, overstatement and
embellishment at all but instead it is a right estimate and a concrete reality.
Moreover, there are different bodies, tongues and unique ways and fashions of
reading Quran. Thus, if the Holy Quran is believed to be the Word Allah
Almighty, then one way of reading the Quran is that in which Allah
Almighty has
read it effortlessly and without utterance with His Primordial Ability, is
being read and will always be read forever as Allah
when We read it, follow you the reading (75:18)

is, when I (Allah) read the Holy Quran, then O Holy Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
! You
follow the reading.
? The
second way of reading is that in which Hazrat
Jibraaeel (Gabriel) Alaihis-Salaam
read and exported it to the Qalb
and delivered to heart of the Hazrat Muhammad
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
says: Who is an
enemy to Allah, and His Angels and His messengers, and Gabriel and
Michael! Then, lo! Allah
(Himself) is an enemy to the disbelievers (2:98)

third way of the Dawat
through the Holy Quran is that which the Holy Prophet
the Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa
Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
has recited through the Pure (holy)
Body of the Seven Subtleties
and with Seven kinds of Pure (holy) tongues and
the Sawaab, blessings and Beneficence
are different for each tongue and these Beneficence
and blessings have been transferring into his
after him
as a heritage and through deputizing.
says: We have
given you
seven of the
oft repeated (verses) and the great Quran (15:87)

one way of recitation by the blessed Outward
tongue of the Noble Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
was that by which he
used to recite before the Holy
during the
twenty three years of the phase of the descent of Holy Quran and they heard it
and recorded it in form of a written book. Another form of the Dawat
of the
Holy Quran is that which was read by him
through the tongue of the Nafs
and the Jinn
to attend to him
this recitation.
upon hearing his
recitation of the Holy Quran, the Jinnaat
have accepted Islam and have become
obedient and submissive to him
. An extraordinary special way of the Dawat
through the Holy Quran is that which he
has read through the tongue of Qalb
and Ruh
responding to this Dawat
, the Angels and spirits had been coming unto
him. This way of the Dawat
of Quran was achieved by him
on the Night of Qadr (Power) in the month of
Ramadan this glory of the recitation of the Holy Quran is still present.
However, this power is achieved by other people when they totally follow him
step by step and when they
are soaked in his
and have become so close to him
that they breathe when he breathes, walk step
with his
step, physically
resemble him
, consider
soul their soul and
say that which he
This power is not just confined to and limited up to some specific space and
time of a night of some fixed ten days of the Ramadan that every common and
proper person would be able to achieve it by keeping vigil (the nightlong) and
doing Zikr
all through that night. Thus, many plebs remain vigil (the nightlong)
in order to achieve this distinctive and special blessing and welfare of the
Night of Qadr (Power) but they remain unable to see a slight glimpse of this
blessing and welfare and they contend on the Sawaab
of thousands of month's
worship in the Hereafter. Now, here we describe that real intent and the philosophy
of this specific Dawat
of the Holy Quran and recitation and the Auspiciousness
(and blessing) of the Laila Tul Qadr (Night of Power), which had been a
secreted secret not disclosed till today and no other person, except us, has
told it to others. Wise sound minded and Haq-Shanaas
(grateful person that
acknowledges the Truth) persons would be pleased and enjoy learning this
and would cordially appreciate. On the other hand, the jealous, blindfolded,
Dehydrated Tempered people would still show displeasure and would say Chun-O-Chara
as such people usually do upon knowing every new marvelous thing even if it
is based upon exact reality and is perfectly perfect. When Jibraaeel (Gabriel) Alaihis-Salaam
came first time before the Overlord of Worlds Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
in the Cave Hira and said to him
, that is, Read
the Holy Quran, his highness
said 'I
am not literate'
. 'What should I
read?' After this, Jibraaeel (Gabriel)
embraced him
three times
pressing his
bosom with