when the human being sees his plans and desires broken and falling unsuccessful,
he estimates and decides this that there prevails the order of some other
Mighty and Awful Essence, that is, Allah
Almighty and this very thing is the
powerful argument in favor of Allah's Existence as Hazrat Ali Karram
says that 'I identified my Lord by the failures and successes of my plans that
my intentions are always subject to breaking and failure'. Thus, the readers
must have known through this explanation and exegesis that Hazrat
Ibrahim Alaihis-Salaam
had maintained his first argument of 'My Lord is He who gives life and causes
in his Manazira (with Nimrood). Ambiguity and confusion arose just because of
not understanding the Inwardly
Enigma and the meanings between the lines.
Nonetheless, the Noble Quran is free of and is pure against doubts and
discontinuity of every kind. Understanding of the original truths, subtle
points and the delicate meanings and mysteries of the Noble Quran is not in
scope of the Outwardly
and vocational knowledge of letters and books nor can
the partial material wisdom find its enigmas and signs.
We have to refer to the laws, theories and experiments of the Europeans for the
proof of some Quranic Truths for this reason that our bright minded,
educated youth gives more weight and importance to the words of the
European writers than Divine Revelations even. Thus, in order to make
understand the real meanings and exegesis of a small Surah
of Quran, we present
a few accounts and experiences of the European Spiritualists of this age as a
case study which throw enough light on our presented exegesis above. Be
informed that a knowledge is in application of the Spiritualists of Europe
which is called Psychometry and there are some such Mediums in Europe that when
a spirit overtakes them, or in our local terminology, 'when some Jinn
dominated them from within', then by virtue of the dominance of that Jinn
Spirit, such an Inwardly
or Spiritual Roshan-Zamiri
takes birth in them that
under such condition, whatever thing they grasp in their hands, they tell by
words all the history of that thing or all the hidden information in it even
that thing is covered in some leather bag or envelope of paper and, thus, the
Medium, that is the Spiritualist Aamil
, reveals word
by word
all the details
or accounts related with that thing.
it is matter of recent time that a historic sacred stone (stone of scone) was
stolen from the big Church of London namely 'Westminster Abbey' last year. This
stone was called by people 'stone of fortune' and Jacob's Cushion (Hazrat
is known as Jacob in Christianity). It is reported that Hazrat
Yaqoob Alaihis-Salaam
(Jacob) used to sit using that Cushion and due to this Auspiciousness (and
blessing), it has a blessing that that person, who sits on that Cushion,
government and domain is got by him. First this stone was in Scotland and when
Edward I, the king of the English, conquered Scotland in 1696 and made it
colony of England, he brought that sacred stone to England as spoils of war and
placed it (in a wooden chair) in the Westminster Abbey. At the hour of
Coronation ceremony, every new sovereign of England sits on this sacred stone
and is worn the Crown of English Empire sitting on this stone so that his rule
and kingship may sustain by virtue of the Auspiciousness (and blessing) and
blessing of this stone and that his prestige and fortune should grow higher.
Recently, some patriotic volunteers of Scotland thought that their kingdom and
rule has declined because that stone was taken away from that land and that
their land has fallen prey to poverty and paucity and they, therefore, should
bring theirs that stolen and occupied sacred stone of fortune back with which
is linked and tied the supremacy and destiny of their country. Hence, to
accomplish this task, some able men united and devised and plan and program of
thieving this stone and after finding chance on one night, they broke into this
famous and well known Westminster Abbey Church and stole this sacred stone. A
great uproar and sensation triggered all over the English nation by the theft
of this historic sacred stone and well backed search operation was started for
its search and rescue. Police and Secret
Services tried their level best and
the whole machinery of the English government was used which could not
ascertain the whereabouts of this stone.