in other words, let us assume a person has arrived with all the Dunya
and all that it contains on his hand and another person comes with a wing of
mosquito from the Abode of the Hereafter. If both of them compare and contrast
the worth of the stuff they hold then the value of worth of the wing of
mosquito of the Abode of the Hereafter
will be much greater and far superior to
the value and worth of the wealth of the mortal world because the stuff of
world is mortal whereas the stuff of the Hereafter
is eternal and everlasting.
Even the metaphor of the dream
and wakefulness does not fit for the world and
the Hereafter
because there is at least some taste and value of a nice and
pleasant dream
but after death, all the worldly exhilaration and success will
be felt as insignificant as a dream
tasted pleasures of world all your life,
spent life with the beloved,
must die when span of your life is finished,
that time you will realize that all you did in the life was like a dream!
Abu al Khair]

example, if we ask a person to give a rupee for he will be made king in his
dream, he will not accept this deal. However, when a person is made a king in
the Dream
of the Abode of World, then after the wakefulness through death, he
is not just left with no kingdom but the woes and regrets of its unavailability
haunt his bosom till the Day of Doom. In addition, the severe Punishment and a
length Account becomes the joke of his throat forever. Hence, when the value
and worth of the wealth of Dunya
(World) is not even equal to the value and
worth of a wing of mosquito in the eyes of Allah
Almighty and the wealth of Dunya
(World) is such an inferior, abhorred and subdued item near Allah
Almighty that
He prefers to give this thing to His enemies, deniers and Kuffaar. Then how can
the acquisition and accumulation of this thing be a worship? However, the dung
beetles of the dung of Dunya
(World) consider it the real worship and the prime
objective of their life to die for their beloved and darling impurity of the
carcass of Dunya
(World) and after turning their faces away of the scent and
ambergris of the Name and Word of Allah
Almighty, they consider this Exercise
(of preoccupation) as useless and wastage of time. The human being is not beast
that the purpose of his life should be sleeping, eating, drinking and
human being is Noble Creature as Allah
We have honored the children of Adam (17:70)

We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (50:16)

We created man of the best stature (95:4)

I am about to place a viceroy in the earth (2:30)

verily, O man, are working toward your Lord which you will meet (in His
presence) (84:6)

aim is very high, lofty and supreme and no other objective, purpose and aim of
life can be more important, more essential and of more value than the Demand,
Search, Marifat, Qurb
, Wisaal
and Mushahida of Allah
Almighty. What a
significant, interesting and vital aim of life is for our real life of the
and how much enriched and full the Desired Destination of our
and Spiritual Journey is with the Unending Bounties!
Manly Momin! Wake up and see for what outstanding and high aim and objective
you have been created. Identify your reality, the endless treasure of the
Eternal Wealth and the Ceaseless Blessing is in front of you and your Real Lord
and the Creator and His Mercy awaits you.
you be steadfast? And your Lord is ever Seer (25:20)

you, because of your stupidity and short-sightedness, are unaware of your
eternal and undying wealth and are decaying inside the filth of the fleeting
life of a few days. Are you just a beast that you have fallen in exercises of
only eating, drinking and sleeping? For how long will this temporary stuff of
the mortal world will stay with you? At last you have to part from it this day
or the next and all these earthly tastes and pleasures will leave you like a
and thought and you will enter the Abode of the Hereafter
like a pauper
and poor because of your heedlessness and neglectfulness against the Eternal
Wealth and will repent over forever and will say:
was unmindful of Allah, and I was indeed among the scoffers (39:56)