were it not that mankind would have become one community, We might well have
appointed, for those who disbelieve in the Benefit, roofs of silver for their
houses and stairs (of silver) whereby to mount, and for their houses doors (of
silver) and couches of silver whereon to recline, and ornaments of gold. Yet
all that would have been but a provision of the life of world. And the
with your Lord would have been of those who keep from evil

Almighty has given us full sketch of the worthlessness of the merchandize
of Dunya
(World). Allah
Almighty says that if there was no risk of people
entering the folk of Kuffaar
and join with them after being impressed upon and
enchanted by the worldly attack and retreat, pomp and adorn and the worldly
leisure and luxury and that they might prefer Kufr
over the Doctrine of Lord
and the religion of Allah
and the People-of-Allah
after seeing the shine and
glitter of Kufr
(then Allah
Almighty must have preferred riches over simplicity
for them also). Conversely, in lieu of the never-ending privation the Kuffaar
in the Hereafter, Allah
Almighty gives them so much wealth in the world that
their houses and utensils He makes all of gold-and-silver
but even then this
worldly affluence cannot compensate for the disappointment they are going to
face forever in the Next World as the whole stuff of this temporary and
fleeting life of world cannot equal to the smallest fraction of the eternal and
unending wealth of the Abode of the Hereafter. Moreover because: My mercy
embraces all things (7:156)
. Hence the blessedness and wretchedness of every
person depends upon his own capacity, ability and the demand and selection of
his decency and indecency. Thus, from the meaning of the aforementioned verse,
it is clear that as much as a person advances in materialism and Kufr, as much
he is granted the wealth of the Material World whereas as much a person is
fortunate, blessed and successful in this world as much he would be unfortunate,
unsuccessful and the people of disappointment!
thing here is this that when the unwise people with blind heart see some such
with the aforesaid destiny of privation (in the Hereafter) and note that
there are tables and chairs of gold-and-silver
in his residence and there are
golden utensils in his house, then instead that they should seek Allah's refuge
after seeing his sordid Dunya
(World) and the poor Hereafter, they conversely
comment that on this person is the great Favor and munificence of Allah
Almighty! In addition, after seeing the pomp and glory of his unreal and
temporary life of exhilaration of a few days, they yearn this like the stupid
of the people of Qaroon:
would that unto us had been given the like of what has been given unto Korah!
Lo! his lord of rare good fortune (28:79)

when these people saw the tragic end of Qaroon
(of Korah) that he was sunk in
earth along with his wealth and treasures, they started saying:
had not been gracious unto us (that He has saved us against the trial and
curse of this sordid Dunya
(World)) He would have caused it to swallow us
(also) (28:82)

short every worldly greedy person's end comes in the same way that out of his hordes
of worldly possessions and wealth gather by him through is lust, cupidity and
injustice and cruelty uses a little portioned, destined and Marzook share with
thousands of pains and worries and is swallowed by grave lifting the heavy
loads of the Mamlook Sustenance
of the thousands of other people along with the
eternal torment of the Next Word and a lengthy list of the Accountability to
give and in the same figure he becomes the wayfarer of the Abode of Nonentity!
has come in a Hadis
of the Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
the value and worth of Dunya
(World) (as compared to the bounties of the
Hereafter) were equal to a wing of mosquito even near Allah
Almighty, a drop of
cool water would have not come to the share of a Kaafir.

is, the Stuff of the Mortal Dunya
(World) in comparison with the Wealth of the
Eternal Hereafter
is inferior to the wing of a mosquito even. Hence there can
be no comparison of this mortal Dunya
(World) with the Everlasting Abode of
Hereafter. For instance, if we consider the Abode of World one digit and the
Abode of the Hereafter
would be that big number that if we add as much ciphers
with the first digit as there are the atoms in the whole universe, even then
there will be no comparison in between the mortal world and the eternal