human being should strive for his Inwardly
Life up to every possibility so that
he may stay living and frequented with the One Original Hayyu-Qayyum
by the means of the Name
. The worries
and anxiety for sustenance
is a Satanic Waswasa.
devil promises you destitution and enjoys on you lewdness (2:268)

the Sustenance
has been predestined in the Court of Allah
Almighty. Every person,
however, receives his share and predetermined sustenance
at its decided time.
For Sustenance, all his anticipations and ill deeds are self-devised and every
person is bound to accept the decrees of his predestination which arrive even
if not invited.
(Rizk) is twofold: one is Marzook and other is Mamlook. Marzook is surely
received in the phase of life. It never leaves us in any condition. However,
Mamlook sustenance
is that the temporary owners of which we become in advance
in due to our greed and in wake of its possession prior to its fixed time and
fall subject to the Accountability and Punishment of the Hereafter.
Nevertheless, of this wealth some share is of his heirs (and inheritors), some
of thieves and alike people, some of doctors, some of lawyers and some of the
clerks of courtrooms etc. which is held by them at their times form these
provisional possessors either by his will or by their force and that person
cannot do anything besides seeing them in resentment. In case these greedy
people had not accumulated the Mamlook Rizk
that actually belonged to other
people, then the afore-said rightful owners and shareholders of that Rizk
have that by earning by themselves. This belief has been expressed in the Holy
Quran at many occasions and this is not a hidden reality. However, some
blindfolded irreligious persons with wavering belief would consider our
statement based upon the advice to sit unemployed and follow Rahbaniyat. Hence,
the prime springhead and the biggest cause and means of sending the human
astray and for his disorientation, avarice and discomfort, cruelty and
oppression and capitalism is this Satanic trick of misleading and deceiving
that the devil promises you destitution and enjoys on you lewdness (2:268)
and he urges him to be over touchy for his sustenance
and to be too much
concerned for it. As a result thereof, in greed and avidity, he gives priority
to demand for (as much) sustenance
(as he can acquire) and forgets the Sustainer
this thinking occupies over his heart and mind so badly like a demon that he
commits every kind of the unfair, illegitimate and illegal actions and in the
same obsession and mania, he crosses the limits of Shariyat, customs and
society. Because of the grasping
of this passion and craze, brother is fighting
with brother and son with father and friend with friend. States are fighting
with each other and nations are at loggerheads against each other. Such blood
shedding world wars are in process for the grasping
over the trade markets and
acquisition over oil fields that people cannot recover from aftermaths of
previous war and a new more devastating and havoc playing war starts. In short
this fire of avidity and grasping
is burning inside the hearts and minds of the
people and nations and keeps them restless and unsatisfied and has turned them
away of Allah
Almighty. Now let us see and ponder over the trysts and orders of
Almighty concerning the Sustenance
and Provisions.
says: and
whosoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah
will appoint a way out for them. And
will provide for him (a quarter) whence he has no expectation. And whosoever
puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him (65:2-3)

says: I created
the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. I seek no livelihood
from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Lo! Allah! He it is that
gives livelihood, Lord of unbreakable might (51:56-57-58)

Almighty is not needy of any helper or facilitator in the cause of Sustenance.
Allah's Angels are appointed and are dutiful for provision of Sustenance
and they deliver everyone's share to him.