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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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They showed me two persons which were expected to be the pilgrims of the Shrine of Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe. They advised me to join them if I wanted to visit the blessed Shrine. I left that place and waited those two pilgrims on the way. When they came closer, I asked them if they were going to visit the blessed Shrine. They affirmed and I implored of them their kind cooperation in taking me with them as I could not travel due to great weakness and frailty. They were kind enough and agreed to help me. So, we started travelling. When they noticed my uncommon dress and unusual outlook of mine, they asked me who I was and what appearance I had made. I requested them to walk slow so that I could tell them my story. Therefore, the started walking slowly and asked me to tell what was the incident. I told them the whole story from beginning to end. They were very much surprised to learn my case. They were soldiers and had come to visit the blessed tomb after seeking an official leave. When we reached the tomb, they told my story to other people there. People were surprised to learn this. Some thought as if I had told a lie. We stayed there three to four days. I was so weak that I could only sip the lentil soup of the Langar Kitchen (where food is served free to the pilgrims for Sawaab). After this, they took me along with them to Multan and we visited the sacred Shrines there. They also took my photos in the same dress I had and kept with them. They gave me some money for travelling back to my home and bade goodbye.


It had passed about a week of my absence from my home. People of my household were mourning as they had fears that I might have been killed by someone and drowned in the canal. Relatives and friends of near and far had gathered in our house for condolence that I, with a surprise, clad in that strange and queer dress and rings and beads reached there. When they saw me, a roar of clamors of happiness echoed in my house. All were greatly surprised and astonished at my story I had to tell. People came in groups every next hour to see me and to hear the strange incident of mine. People of my house asked me to change that dress of the mendicant lest any unprovoked similar incident should happen again. Those clothes were stuffed in a small suitcase and locked in a cupboard.




Any person, who wished to see those clothes, these were shown to him and then packed again. At last, one day, when that suitcase was opened to show the clothes to some person, the clothes had disappeared!


Another devotee of mine, who was his relative, told me that he had also one of those who had reached his house for condolence and he had also seen that black dress. These clothes were of such a strange condition that the stitching thread was nowhere to be seen. It appeared as if the pieces of clothes were attached, not sewn. No thread had been used to stitch the cloth.


These incidents are considered great upshots of spiritualism by the Spiritualists of the West. In fact that mendicant was a Jinn covered in black clothes and was the Mureed of Hazrat Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan ul Faqar Hazrat Sultan Bahu May his secret be sanctified. He had taken Muhammad Sadiq some eighty miles away of his home in order to let him visit the blessed Shrine of Hazrat Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan ul Faqar Hazrat Sultan Bahu May his secret be sanctified. That Jinn had entered in his body. that is why, he had left his clothes on the body of Muhammad Sadiq as a token and sign and had taken away his clothes. Many such incidents occur in our country which are just ignored without taking any advantage. All that, which the European Spiritualists have today, it is the advanced form of the old witchcraft and magic. These people have given this Ilm a disciplined faculty of art and science.


Once I was the guest of some friends in Khoshab city. My host was a School teacher. They took an old Neelgar to me and told me that a Jinn has occupation over that person and that Jinn does not spare him to offer Assalaat (Prayers) or any other activity like this. Jinn disturbs him all the time. At this occasion, some graduates were also attending my company. I read something and conjured that Jinn to appear and it, at once, took control over the old person. Due to this dominance, the face of that old man was changed and the appearance of the Jinn overlapped his original visage and prevailed so.


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