An excellent substitute of (higher) ranks and (newer) positions received as reward in result of a spiritual activity for example Haziraat are the Nemul-Badal of Maratib. All Degrees of the Nemul-Badal are achieved through the Wird of the Verses of the Holy Quran (P61 Noor ul Huda Klaan). Nemul-Badal is this that the Master-of-Authority (and volition) should be Aamil in every Amal and Kaamil in every Ilm (P271 Noor ul Huda Klaan). Please also read P08-P60 P80-P175-P176-P186 Emir ul Konain P5 Aqal Baidaar P60 P230 P261 Noor ul Huda Klaan.