Arwah (Ar-wah) is plural of Ruh (Spirit) and means the Spirits. As per a sacred Hadis: "There is a clot in human body called "Fawaad" (Heart). In the Fawaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr" (P154 Noor ul Huda Klaan). For specific meanings and more details please also read P21-P52-P48-P49 Taufeeq ul Hidayat P19 Muhabbat ul Asraar P27 Kaleed e Tauheed P53 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P75 Jamey ul Asraar P80 P82 Emir ul Konain. "Ruh is as the likeness of perfumed air and it always remains busy in the Zikr and Tasbeeh (extolling the Praise of God)" P68 Asraar ul Qadiri.