Hazrat Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that:
The Zikr of Allah with Eimaan gives freedom from Nifaaq ,
and keeps you quarantined from the deceptions of Satan.

Hazrat Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that:
the superior most Zikr is the Zikr of Allah

Hazrat Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that:
Lo! There are ten benefits of the Zikr-e-Jehr ]: (1) Purity of
heart, (2) warning for punishment for neglectfulness, (3) health of body,
(4) combat with the enemies of Allah
Almighty, (5) expression
of Deen , (6) cure of carnal and devilish reflections, (7) attention
unto Allah
and revulsion for that which distract from Allah, (10) elimination
of the Hijaab in-between Allah
and Slave.

Faqeer [Bahu
Ta-aala Alaihe
says that what Zikr is? And what thing is called Zikr? And what
is achieved through Zikr? And how many are the Maratib and Stations
of the Zaakir? Zikr is] the name] of Purity [and chastity
and the human being becomes Pure and chaste through it]. Same as wealth which
becomes Pure and Halaal (licit) upon paying Zakaat, the
body of the human being becomes Pure against the impurity of the Kufr
and Shirk like that cloth which becomes pure by the detergent.
Same is the situation of man and Zikr. Same like fire, which eats dry
wood, Zikr removes the sin and offense and same like that
rain, which turns the dead grass green and gives it life, the Zikr makes
the [dead] Eimaan [and heart] of human being beautiful (and lively). And
same as fruit is the ornament for the tree, Zikr is the ornament
of the Eimaan of the human being. And same as light ends Darkness,
the Zikr of Allah
ends aberration and disorientation.
Hence, that relation that the flower has with fragrance, same relation is
between man and the Zikr of Allah
. In other sense, that
relation that salt has with meal, similar relation is between human being and
the Zikr of Allah
. Moreover, as Takbeer (saying
Allahu Akbar
is obligatory upon (cutting the jugular vein of animal) while slaughtering in
order to make it Halaal (licit), as is the Zikr of Lord
obligatory for the
human being.
is the origin of every word. Even Assalaat (Prayers) cannot be
complete in absence of the Zikr of Allah
but instead it is in phases the Zikr
of Allah