I remember the sins of the Nafs and Satan, the Almighty God is forgotten
(during this time) and there is not a sin Major than this. Thus, he
should Drown his Qalb and Ruh in the Ishq and Muhabbat
and Mysteries of Lord with such the result that
everything like the Nafs and Satan
and Dunya (World) and lusts,
greed, jealousy, vanity and arrogance and desires of Nafs should be
completely forgotten. And whatever effort the Seeker of Lord does, should
do for Allah
Almighty . And his eating, drinking, sitting,
standing, walking, traveling, sleeping, getting up all should be for Him and he
should acquire the Kaamil Wisdom
of the Hereafter by giving up the Partial
of the world and should keep his consciousness and senses upright
because the Arif-Bi-Allah identifies his Nafs.
the other hand, the Master of Nafs keeps Nafs his friend. [O Seeker!
Carefully Listen!] When the People of Ishq and Muhabbat
and the Masters of Zeal and Hankering (with curiosity)
will stand up from their graves for Didaar of Lord on the Day of
Resurrection, the Glorious Almighty Haq will Order the Angels to
bring tents for them and install them on the side of the Hell. When they
will sit beside these camps and their gaze
will capture Hell, the Fire
of the Hell will cool down and will become nothing more than ashes.
This Fire will be left with no power and opportunity to burn again. When
the Fire of the Hell will have cooled down and extinguished, it
will be a source of comfort and relief for the creatures. The people will get rid
of the torment of Hell and the fixing of their tents on the side
of Hell will meant this goal. Thus, Dunya (World) is also as fire. Likewise,
greed and jealousy are likeness of Hell. [Hence, when] the Faqeers the
People of Allah pass by the People-of-Dunya and throw on them their
of mercy, greed of the People-of-Dunya dies. Moreover, when the Ahl-e-Allah
(People-of-Allah ) engage in the Zikr of Allah for a breath, it becomes
the source of eternal comfort for them. This Zikr must ensure their
freedom from the Hell of the greed of this World and the Fire of Hell
of the Next World because the Noble God says that he, who remembers His Name
and the blessed Name of His Habeeb
- Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
truthfulness of heart and absolute sincerity and by Tasdeeq
through his heart and Iqraar (Declaration)
through his tongue says: Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah/there is none worthy of worship except Allah;
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah) (Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa
Aa-lehee Wa-sallam) , He will not give
him Punishment because Friend
does give Punishment to His friend.