That Faqeer-Aulia-Allah , who
reaches unto the total Reality and Depth of the
, he always gets Hazoori of the Sanctuary
(Court). Life and death become equal for him. He, sometimes, is the Master
of Fear and sometimes the People of Hope. Sometimes, he is in
Maratib of house and sometimes in the Maratib of grave
[that is, he feels the house and grave similar]. Sometimes, he is the Master
of study of pages and sometimes the People of Hazoori
with Absorption.
He becomes different and leaves Dunya (World) and the People-of-Dunya.
[It must be remembered that] the Aulia-Allah HADIS (Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah Lo! Aulia-Allah
(friends of Allah) do not die (and always exist Spiritually). However, they
shift from one abode to the other. He,
who is lord on Nafs in his worldly abode, will receive Comfort
(and solace) for Ruh and the Mushahida of Hazoor
in his grave! BAYT (COUPLET) The blind
will not see the Didaar
of Haq, I need nothing other
than His Didaar. Listen [carefully]! Some people forever enjoy
the Mushahida of Hazoori through the Zikr of the Habs-e-Damm
and some get greed and desire through Zikr of the Habs-e-Damm.
It should be known that benefits are received by the True-Seeker from
the Murshid-e-Kaamil both Outwardly and Inwardly. In
addition, the beginning and end of the True-Seeker
alike from the Mukammil (Complete) Murshid. And from
the Akmal (the Accomplished) Murshid, the -Seeker should give
divorce three times to the Dunya (World), which is dirty and not pure
like the menstruation blood of whore from which, no one has ever been
able to take any gain. Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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