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The dark hearted Aalim remains
deprived of the Marifat
of Lord ABYAAT (COUPLETS) Ilm is (for) "ranks"
but that, which is a particle, is from the Noor of the Essence, ? The Ilm of
the Essence is found from the Essence
and it causes dead to
become alive, Knowing Ilm and
knowing by Ain (eye) is the name of seeing Secret of Allah, Ilm-of-Inward is Secret
of the Wahdat of Allah
Almighty He, who becomes Fanaa-Fi-Allah
(Destroyed in Allah At that place,
neither lasts any Zikr Fikr
nor do any Wazaaif or [Outwardly]
voice, That soul
that comes from the soul, that Noori soul is different, And neither
Musa Alaihis-Salaam Neither Angel
nor earth and heavens nor is the voice of the Kun {Be! (36:82)} of
the Azal , Here is no creature
at all, only is Drowning into the Wahdaniyyat of Allah
and unification
with Him. HADIS (Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah Such an hour
comes of my These are the Maratib of Hazoori and
keeping always Drowned into the Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destruction in Allah Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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