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SHARAH OF DAWAT Through some kinds of Dawat, after
Twelve Years, the Amal
becomes (involuntarily) Current (as-initiated
with effect) and the desired aim is achieved as a result. Through some,
after one month, through some in a week, through some in a day and a night and
through some in an hour the Amal becomes (involuntarily) Current
(as-initiated with effect). Even if, the Aamil offers Dawat on
a fort built with iron on a mountain, that fort will turn soft like wax. [With
the impact of Dawat], the people inside the fort will feel
their heats slipping from their control and they will directly come
straight in front of (the Aamil of the Dawat to surrender). And
if they are Kuffaar, Rafizi or Kharijis , no doubt, will
turn Muslim
(and embrace Islam). They will lose their footing and go to exile.
And if the Aamil
he dethrones (and sacks) the king of the Seven Continents and causes
a poor beggar to sit on the throne of kingdom and cuddles him with favor. Moreover,
no doubt how much away a person is, he causes him to become lifeless by seizing
his life in a moment. And given Hidayat and Talqeen to a
person within twinkling of an eye and takes him in the Court of the Holy
Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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