Moreover, if the Seeker
is Na-Mard
, the only reason of this is the Liking for Dunya
(World) which is a
Hijaab for him. Since Murshid, tests the Seeker by demanding
wealth [and life], and the Seeker turns his face away of him. Such Seekers
have character of Satan as they are in the slavery of accursed
Nafs. They lack the Yaqeen (Certainty). They are the spies on the
imperfections of the Murshid and a cause of Waswasa for
him. They never reach unto the Desired Destination [and remain deprived
of the Marifat
of Allah
Almighty It should be known that what is the Martaba of (of the
offices and disciplines of) being Seeker and being Murshid?
[In fact] both the Murshid
and the Seeker are like the
Plaintiff and the Defendant. Their dealings cannot settle (in
good) without the Ability of Allah
Almighty Thus, it is revealed that before the Gaze
of the Murshid-e-Kaamil , both the Seeker of Ilm and
the Jaahil are equal. Since, the Ilm-of-Outward (Outwardly
Ilm) and Inward-of-Inward and the Ilm of the Hayyu-Qayyum
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