It is the Auspiciousness (and
blessing) of the existence and presence of these Faqeers, that [creatures
of] every country, from the East to West, remain safe against every blight and
disaster until the Doomsday. Therefore, Faqeers have the right (of
ministrations) from each-and-all
the ordinary and special and the entire
creatures of Allah
and it is essential that they must be served. The Murshid,
who lacks Marifat, lacks the Inward
and lacks Taufeeq
and hinders the way of the Seekers, is certainly another Satan.
Neither every human body is worthy of the Qurb of Allah
and Wisaal
, nor is the priceless red Spinel (gem) present inside
every rock. Moreover, neither every tongue is worthy of the Holy Quran and
with Tafseer endowed with (efficacious) effectiveness
(and the impact) nor
is every herb fit for the Kimiya-Akseer (elixir). And neither every Faqeer
is the Master of Sukhan
(Word) the Ain-Ba-Ain
seer of the occurrences
(Ahwaal ) nor is the bulk of every person Jaahil like Abu
Jahl. And neither every Dervish is the Master of the Wilayat of
the gaze nor are all people eligible for the companionship
of Hazrat
Khizar Alaihis-Salaam [Listen attentively, O Real-Seeker]
and [tell] which Course of Ilm is that through which the
Seeker Saalik makes the Arsh floor under his feet and the
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