The Majlis of the Arwah
(Spirits) of the entire Holy Prophets Alternatively, these Maratib are unlocked
through Tasarruf and are seen Ain-Ba-Ain through Tafakkur or
the Tahqeeq of the Verses
of the Holy Quran, Tafseer of the Holy
Quran and Hadis is done through the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam (there is none worthy of worship except
Allah; Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee
But, even the one, with the above Maratib is still far
away from Marifat and Tauheed of Lord The original specialty unto the Qurb of
Lord MORE SHARAH OF DAWAT Dawat is tremendously
high Mansib (position) of the Inward, which is received only
through the Qurb of Lord About Tawakul: Tawakul
means breaking relation
with 'all that, which is besides Allah' and making relation with Allah. Tawakul
four Degrees, which are as under: 1. Earning the Halaal
livelihood and eating Halaal (lawful and allowed) and providing Halaal
to family, parents, and expending in the way of Allah
from his assets
earned by Halaal
(lawful) means and performing the Five Fundamental Elements of
Islam. However, this is the Tawakul
of the ordinary persons. 2. Tawakul of
Second Degree is, breaking ties with the creation and making ties with the
Creator. This degree is achieved because of the Tawajuh
of the Murshid-e-Kaamil.
The love for the world ends from the heart of the Seeker due to it
and he, on entering the garden of Tawakul, removes all thorns of greed
(grasping) and the Nifaaq
,. 3. Tawakul of Third
Degree is that the Seeker
breaks ties with the entire Creatures, and builds
ties with the Creator and becomes His beloved, he always remains Immersed in
the Remembrance of Lord 4. The Seeker
after Immersing in the Noor of the Essence
becomes eternally Absorbed in
and becomes Laa-Yuhtaaj after finding the Martaba of the godly
(Ba-Khuda), the Waasil with Haq and the Absolute
He is left with no want of anything or any dependency. This is the entirety of
that is the holy person of Lord of Worlds Hazrat
Muhammad (Expl. by Janab
Dr. K. B. Naseem Rh.) Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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