Attaining unto these Maratib (jointly and
severally) and becoming Waasil-Bi-Allah is achievable only through the Mashq-e-Wujoodia
of inscribing the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) Listen
Attentively [O the True-Seeker!] The Seekers are of two types: 1. First kind is the
Seeker is likeness of the young goshawk: the food and Demand
of such Seeker is Didaar and the Murshid-e-Kaamil the
provider of the occasion of seeing the Sight of Allah
(Didaar). 2. Second kind (of the
Seeker) is the likeness of young Ghaliwaaz (kite): the food and Demand
of such Seeker is the carcass of dead Dunya
(World) and the Murshid-e-Naqis
is the provider of the carrion carcass. Matter is this that every esteem and
honor, Jamiyat, Qurb of Hazoori and the Marifat
Liqaa is found by a person because of the Auspiciousness (and
blessing) of the Nafs. That person, who complains against Nafs ,
is Na-Mard because the Nafs-e-Mutmainna is Noor [all over]
and the Arif Faqeer always remains honored with Didaar . Nafs is of four
kinds: 1. First: the Nafs
of the Kaafir is Kaafir 2. Second: the Nafs
of the hypocrite is hypocrite; 3. Third: the Nafs
of a Muslim
is Muslim
4. Fourth: the Nafs
of the True Believer (Momin) is also True Believer. Allah
Almighty The defiant Nafs can be
made compliant only through the Qurb of Didaar. Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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