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Even he, who is
the most astray, can see the path of His Didaar , Raise your eye
and behold His Didaar
, The eye, when it
sees, is a witness then, He, who eyes
by eyes, is the eyewitness of His Didaar , If I show
His Didaar to a blind person for hundreds of times even [he will remain unfamiliar], Same like this,
how can a born blind see God? That person, who
cannot see His Didaar
in this world, is unblessed, Such Dead
Hearted claimants are of the People of Rival, He, Drowned in
the Tauheed of Allah, is Master of Hazoori
, There neither Ilm
is requirement nor wisdom and intellectuality, That Ilm [Ilm-of-Outward
] is other and the Aalim of the Outward is other, Only (he like) Arif
Khizar Alaihis-Salaam There is no location,
Station or Destination, Station of Kaamil
Wahdat is of the Lamakaan and La Nishaan (that has no mark or
address), He, who has seen,
no voice comes from him [thereafter], It is as if he
is lifeless and he finds the Secret. SHARAH OF
HADIS (Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah He, who identified
Allah, thus his tongue became mute (and speechless). Murshid-e-Kaamil teaches the
lesson of the Ilm of Haq and the Marifat
of Didaar through
the Visualization of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) The Murshid-e-Kaamil is he, who opens
the Marifat
of Didaar by means of the Visualization of the
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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