[At that occasion] Hazrat
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that: [O Muhyiddeen
!] [In times to
come,] your feet will be on the necks of the entire Wali-Allah
Aulia-Allah. [Further, the followers] in every other (Sufi) Order are seen
in gowns but the Qadiri Seekers of Allah have drunk
the River of the Marifat
of Tauheed of Lord
and Muhabbat .
In every [other Sufi] Order, there is [formalities and customs] and sitting
on prayer-carpet (as caretaker of a Sufi
shrine being owner of all relics of
previous Pir) but in the Qadiri-Sufi-Order is the Course of Fanaa-Fi-Allah
(Destruction in Allah
) and freedom from Nafs.
In every [other Sufi] Order, there is tradition of being "the
successor" and practice of "declaring successor" but in the Qadiri-Sufi-Order,
there is Hidayat and the Kaamil Marifat
of Faqar. There is
robe (and gown) and turban in every other (Sufi) Order but there is Jamaaliyat
, Mushahida of Hazoor and the honor of Didaar
in the Qadiri-Sufi-Order. [Moreover,] in every other (Sufi) Order, there
are Aoraad Wazaaif
and chaplet but in Qadiri-Sufi-Order,
there is Absorption in Wahdat, Fanaa-e-Nafs and the
Course of sacrifice from the very first day. In addition,
in every (Sufi) Order, the People of Taqleed
cut the hair of the Seeker
Mureed with scissors like a barber but in Qadiri
Sufi Order is Ba-Ain
Numa Tawajuh and Absolute-Tauheed (Tauheed-e-Mutliq )!

? QATA'A (Stanza)
Wayfarers of the Path of every
(Sufi) Order are unprivileged and the beggars of the threshold of Qadiri,
The Qadiri
the Master of Opulence and is Waasil-Bi-Allah,
I am Qadiri
[all the time] remain present in front of Allah
And lead the
Seekers unto the honor of seeing the blessed visage of Mustafa
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam

Whatever says this Faqeer, is not
because of any jealousy, but whatever he says, says on solid grounds.

Shah Muhyiddeen Qaddas-Allah Sirru-hul Aziz
has said
that: This foot of mine is on the necks of all Aulia-Allah (those who
have arrived and those who are yet to arrive)".

The Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
, [in the Night
of the Holy Ascension
(Mi'raaj)], riding Burraaq, set out to Almighty
by Hazrat
Jibraaeel (Gabriel) Alaihis-Salaam