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And that Ilhaam and voice
which results in bright Anwaar
the means unto Marifat
of Didaar
and the
conquest of the entire universe including the possession of Wilayat from
the Qaf to Qaf from the East to West whatever is in it, [that is, if
both types of the Maratib of the Ghanayat and Hidayat are
achieved up to the utmost level], such Ilhaam and voice is
from the Holy Prophet of Allah Listen! Whatever the Master of Kaamil
Everlasting Ilhaam says, says that Sukhan (word) from the Qurb
of God. And whatever the Imperfect says, is the statement of a spurious,
liar, and vainglorious. Hence, by which method, wisdom and Ilm,
we can differentiate between the Sukhan (Word) of a Kaamil and
an Imperfect person? That, which the Imperfect says, says [just] by
Taqleed and his word gives no Taste and no Eitiqaad
results through it. On the other hand, word of the Kaamil has Taste
and (efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact) and proves able to
solve the problems at right occasion at the hours of ordeals and tests.
That, which is Ayan , needs not description! Master-of-Ayan is endowed
with Jamiyat and Wisaal whereas the Master of
description remains always needy and a victim of perplexity
(and inner disturbance). SHARAH OF ZIKR
ALLAH Zikr of Allah
teaches Eimaan
and safeguards against Satan and secures against the arrows of Hell.
BAYT (COUPLET) O Zaakir! If you want the everlasting
Zikr , Demand Qurb and
Wisaal of Allah from Qadiri. Attaining unto the Martaba of Zikr
and becoming Waasil with Hazoori through Zikr is not
an easy task but instead it is a tough and very difficult. The foundation
of Zikr and the footing of the Wasal of Zikr
and the kernel
of the Marifat
of Zikr
and the Mushahida of ascension of Zikr is through the Visualization
of the Anwaar of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
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