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AND INWARD ? [O True-Seeker!] Be informed that
the Outward is for the Inward. This Outward Realm (physical
world) is a dream and illusion like the mortal People of sensuality.
And the Inwardly Realm, that is, the Realm of Spirituality is
eternal and everlasting. And in these Both-the-Worlds, the Outward
the Tilawat (recitation) of the Holy Quran and the (good) deeds of
the People of Ilm the Just Haq-Shanaas (grateful person who acknowledges the Truth) is just the Reality in accordance with
the Inwardly
. (Baatin) Inward is Real because
therein it is the Marifat
of God and Wasal . And the Outward
world is the season of summer, season of winter the crop of Rabei
(spring) and Khareef (autumn) and the real intent of
this life is believing in the realm of Ghaib
(the Unseen and
Invisible) whereof there is no doubt. Allah
Almighty That person, who commits backbiting of
the Ghaib (the Unseen and Invisible) and the Masters of the
the People of Ghaib
(Unseen) the Aulia-Allah SHARAH OF OUTWARD
INWARD What is called the Outward and
what is the Inward? Both Maratib of the Outward
and Inward have been mentioned in the Holy Quran. Moreover, the entire
are in the cover of the Tafseer of the Holy
Quran. The Aalim-Bi-Allah the Master of Taseer , the Arif
and the Roshan-Zamir
the People of gaze
the Emir
of Both-the-Worlds
unfolds this cover! Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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