(Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
Faqar is my
Pride and Faqar
is from me
[that is, it is my

Faqar is with the Pride of Hazrat
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
[O Real-Seeker, be informed
well]! Being a Murshid is an onerous weight (with overburden).
As long as one has not the authorization for becoming Murshid
and the order
to issue Teachings and Talqeen
to the Seekers from Hazrat
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
in the Inward
, he will be foolish if he makes the Seekers his Mureed by
his sweet will without the permission of giving Talqeen
and Teaching.
At the end, he will be ashamed and ruined. Murshid is he, who vows
with the Seeker "O Seeker, whatever is your [real] demand, demand
from me". Whatever the Seeker demands, the Murshid should fulfill
his demand the Seeker in accordance with that demanded by the
Seeker. The Beneficence of the Murshid, with his gaze of
munificence, is like the beneficial rain or like the wave
of river. Murshid is the name of the Taufeeq of Lord
which dispels
the Hijaabaat and Darkness of Nafs
and Satan
and (eliminates) the Nafs
and desire from the body of the Seeker whereas the Imperfect
and Unfinished Murshid keeps on deferring with solaces and consolations
to the Seeker to fulfill this day and the next day. This is a
sign of distrust and disbelief of the Seeker
if he takes into
account the days and months and years of his service (and duty). Instead,
he should give his command (and will) to the Murshid and should never
mention his service and should never gasp (before Murshid). Seeker
should be one, who follows the practice of the Obedience and Servitude
and the obligation of the Murshid is this that he should take
the Seeker Mureed in Hazoor and Drown him in the
honor of Didaar.
O Seeker !
If you are ready to risk your head and body, then demand Secrets
and Mysteries,
That person, who
wants to save his head and body, is the dog [of world].
Marifat of God is the destiny
of those People of Intention, who are Born Wali .