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In brief, fourteen are Ilm-of-Outward
(Outwardly Ilm) and one is Ilm-of-Inward (Inwardly Ilm) for example
the Ilm
of Marifat
and Tauheed. When Ilm of the Marifat
Ilm of Tauheed unknots the Aulia Arif-Bi-Allah from the
Inward, then all of Ilm-of-Outward (Outwardly Ilm) come inside the Ilm-of-Inward
(Inwardly Ilm) same as water is in milk and salt is in bread and sugar is
in milk. You know whether Satan is an Aalim or a Jaahil and
whether Hazrat
Adam Alaihis-Salaam HADIS-E-QUDSI (Saying of Allah Allah has not
made any Jaahil His friend. BAYT (COUPLET) Come here after
acquiring the Ilm, first and last, Because Allah
Almighty allows no room to the Jaahil near Him! BAYT (COUPLET) Keep yourself
disguised from people as much as you can, Because the
can never be Khud-Farosh . [O Real-Seeker ] Be wise and
informed! The Ilm of Marifat and Tauheed and the Muhabbat
and Mushahida and the Majlis of Hazrat
Muhammad In short, Murshid-e-Kaamil shows to
the Seeker
the Ain Ayan Mirror of Both-the-Worlds
inside his heart. Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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