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Thus, Push your Nafs
away and get access unto Allah
Almighty. The Majlis of the People of Speech
(Qaal) and the People of Condition (Haal ) cannot be
equal. It is individual-obligation on the Murshid that he should lead
the Seeker unto Hazoor at once by means of the Mashq-e-Wujoodia
and Haziraat of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) One is Murshid Habeeb (loving
friend), who takes the Ghareeb Seeker in the Hazoor
(of the Majlis)
of Hazrat
Muhammad Allah Almighty BAYT (COUPLET) The weight of
that Trust, which I am lifting; is a tremendous burden, None else other
than human being can be capable of lifting this load of the Trust. As long as the Murshid-e-Kaamil does
not unlock these Fourteen Subtleties
of the Dominant Most Invisible
of the Unseen of the body of the True-Seeker by Tawajuh , Visualization
, Tafakkur and Tasarruf , Nafs of the Seeker
comes never in control. And as long as the physical senses are
not shut and the condemnable peculiarities like the Khannas Khartoum are not
languished, it is unattainable and impossible that the Seeker will
attain unto the Marifat
of Lord I feel surprise about those foolish
idiots who assign the physical beauty of body features, the long hair
and cheeks or voice, song, minstrel, wine server, liquor of Bidat
the likeness and reciprocals of Allah
Almighty, who is the Uncreated
Essence. Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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