Aulia Faqeers
are the
Masters of Taufeeq. indeed, Both-the-Worlds are in their gaze and
their body is alive like the seed of "Rue" (Ruta Graveolens) and
is the Master of Taufeeq.
says: my welfare is only in Allah
Moreover, also that person is called the
Faqeer who pulls Both-the-Worlds and the entire Degrees by the Accepted
and Tawajuh of the Hazoori through the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) . And cause each-and-all
of the Eighteen
Thousand Realms (jointly and severally) come near them through the Haziraat
of their Visualization, Tasarruf and the Tafakkur and
get fortune of every Realm with the Beneficence-and-Fazal of
Almighty .
The one, having Maratib of this Tareeq (way) is also
called Faqeer-Aulia-Allah. There also exist such Faqeer-Aulia-Allah,
who, by the Tawajuh of Tahqeeqaat with the Visualization of
the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) and through the Tasarruf of
the Kalimah Tayyebaat Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah/there is none worthy of worship except Allah;
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah make all the Arwah
(Spirits) of the Holy Prophets and the Honorable Aulia-Allah
Ta'ala Alaihim to become
present before them or they cause themselves to appear inside their Majlis and
achieve Maratib
per their destiny and share from their Majlis. Such Faqeer is
also known as the Master of power of Uloom and the
Master of Tee of Hayyu-Qayyum . Alternatively,
through the Tasarruf endowed with Tafakkur of the
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) and with the Visualization
of the Haziraat, they bring the Angels into their Tasarruf
and after making them present before them, get from them the [Inwardly]
Share (and) fortune. In the event thereof, some Muakal Angels
tell the property of the Akseer (elixir) of Ilm of Kimiya
with the sequence (of performance) of Ilm and bring their experience
and examination into their Amal. Moreover, some Muakal Angels
teach the teaching of the Ilm of the Ism-e-Azam. And some Muakal
Angels tell the news of the Sang-e-Paaris present in pebbles and the
way they order for the signal of good tidings, are benefited the same
way. And they touch the Sang-e-Paaris with the solid iron. Upon touching
iron, Sang-e-Paaris becomes golden red from all sides. And some Muakal
Angels, similar to the Revelations of Hazrat
Jibraaeel (Gabriel) Alaihis-Salaam , teach the Ilm
from the outset to the end like the Message of the
Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam , concerning the glory of the
decadence of the Holy Quran and the entire Verses
of the Holy Quran, Tafseer and Hadis. He
is called the Faqeer-Aulia-Allah Laa-Yuhtaaj
. By the Aulia-Allah
Faqeer and through the Talqeen of the Faqeer-Aulia-Allah
through the Tawajuh of the Faqeer-Aulia-Allah
, the Seeker,
in the very first day, becomes Faqeer Laa-Yuhtaaj
Aulia-Allah .
Neither he needs Riyazat nor has he to bear the pain of Mujahida .