The Born
blind remains denier and
in doubt, He does not
admit presence of sun, even if heat of sun is burning his forehead, I have seen Beauties
of Manifestations of God with my own eyes after becoming Fanaa-Fi-Allah
(Destroyed in Allah And when I have
seen, I have also reached unto Him through Tahqeeq (research and
verification), My every answer
[and argument] is from a Verse of the Holy Quran, Which is
followed an authentic Hadis
(for further proof), If someone asks
me to show Haq, I Drown
him in Tauheed with the command of Allah, If these Degrees
were not with the Honorable Aulia-Allah
Ta'ala Alaihim Then no one
could have seen Him and Meet Him, Transcend the Martaba
of Drowning in Tauheed and see with the eye
of heart, So that you should
become Waasil (United) with God and Faqar should end on you, Bahu Bahu [This should be noted that] these types
of Maratib of the sighting and seeing Didaar of
the Sustainer are admissible (and acceptable). There are three Ways
for sighting and the Taufeeq of Didaar, which are admissible
(and acceptable) in accordance with the Authentic Text and Hadis: 1. First,
sighting and seeing Didaar of Lord is admissible (and
acceptable) through dream. That dream, which should be sanctum of
privacy for the Rightful Deity of Worship and the seer is hindered
by no Hijaab . This dream is called Noori Dream and the seer
sees the Mushahida
(Vision) of Didaar
in Hazoor
. 2. Second, seeing
during Muraqiba is admissible (and acceptable) - that
which takes him inside the Sanctuary (Court) of Allah
like death.
3. Third, beholding
Didaar, openly (and explicitly), is admissible (and acceptable) such
that the body of the beholder is here inside this world but his soul is
inside the Lahoot-Lamakaan . All of these Great Maratib of the Faiz
(Beneficence) and Fazal (Grace) of sighting and seeing
Didaar are received by conferment from Murshid-e-Kaamil . Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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