And the Ruh shouts Hu Al Haq,
Hu Al Haq, Hu Al Haq
and the Nafs day and
night continues the Wird of "Our Lord! We have wronged our selves"
The Master of Naqsh through
Mashq-e-Wujoodia enjoys the Maratib of the Mashooq
(Beloved) that neither he is in need of dream nor of Muraqiba
but for whatever task whenever he employs Tawajuh for the Qurb and
Hazoor of Allah
Almighty and the full-of-Noor Majlis
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee
, gets awareness
with Complete-Answer-as-Advice-and-help (Jawaab-ba-Sawab ) through Ilhaam.
And his Outward and Inward become one.
[By the Visualization of the
], some people start studying the Ilm
of the Loh-e-Mahfooz and to the hearts of some, the awareness
is received by means of a proving reason (and justification) (and argument)
by the Qurb of the Glorious Sustainer
. Some get the Maratib of Haziraat
and Naziraat . At this occasion, they watch the Spectacle of Both-the-Worlds
on the backside of fingernail through the Haziraat of the
. And for some, Waham arises
in the Station of Wahdaniyyat , by means of the Ilm of
Wardaat and entire Mataalib (Demands) unlock and appear on him by
means of the Warood
(ingress) unto the Secrets of the Invisible. In
addition, the gaze of the glance of some explicitly reaches unto Lahoot-Lamakaan
. Unto some, the Ilhaam and Message continue to reach by
means of Muakal . If such type of Maratib over Maratib,
Manasib (positions) over Manasib (positions), Qurb over Qurb
, Hazoori over Hazoori , Jamiyat over Jamiyat
and Ain-Ba-Ain
of such nature, the Fayuzaat (Beneficences), evidences and the Anwaar
of Divine Self-Disclosure of Lord were not found by the Seekers, the
entire Saalikeen (Wayfarers) and People of Course
of the
should have gone astray.
Demand that Murshid
, who should be guide on your way,
None has become Waasil
with Haq
by himself (just) through dialogue,
My Murshid
and Guide is Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
I have learnt Uloom
from The Holy God.
Whatever does the Faqeer the
Master of Roshan-Zamir see concerning the Reality of
dream, he finds it right because he is the Muqarrib of the Hazoori
of Allah.