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Everyone is in
mendicancy with his Demand, Qadiri stays dominant
by virtue of the Qurb of Lord, All Sufi
Orders of Tareeqat are the likeness of (oil) lamp, And with the Sun
of the Qadiri, hundreds of Mount Toor glow. Let it be known that it is easier to be
[that is, known as] Aalim , Faazil and Shaikh Mashaikh
Ghaus and Qutab and the Faqeer Dervish but becoming [True]
Momin Muslim is extremely hard and difficult. The Master of Qadiri-Sufi-Order
the Momin
the Ahl-e-Sunnat-O-Jamaat
the sacred religion of Hanfiya,
which is the friend of the Rightly Guided Caliphs Radhi-ya-Allahu
Ta-aala Anhum BAYT (COUPLET) You should set
one step of foot on Lahoot and the place the other on the Lamakaan , O Arif the
Master-of-Ayan! You should then behold the Didaar
of Allah
Almighty well. [O True-Seeker !] Be
informed that man keeps on waging Jihad all the time days and night with
the Nafs that causes dissension and corruption
(and mischief) inside
his body and says: Chun (how is this and for what it is?)? The origin of
the Nafs is Chun and the base of Chun-O-Chara is the Anaa
(ego and I-ness) Allah
Almighty Thus, it is revealed that inside the
human body there are thirty thousand Zunnaar from the Satanic Khatraat
in the Shirk of the People of Evil of the Satan. Thirty
thousand Zunnaar are of Waham and thirty thousand Zunnaar of
Waswasa and thirty thousand Zunnaar of Khannas. Thirty
thousand of Khartoum and thirty thousand Zunnaar are of greed
and avarice of the sordid Dunya (World). Sum of all theses Zunnaar
is One Hundred Eighty Thousand [180,000]. The tie (and fiber) of
these Zunnaar is harder as compared than battle with the Jews and Nasaara
(Christians) and
the Kuffaar. Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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