And on which Kimiya do you trust?
Here, it is found that Kimiya is of two types: 1. First Kimiya is
of gold and silver of the carrion carcass Dunya (World) 2. Second is Kimiya
is of the honor of Didaar [Hence] for Didaar, which Ilm
, which Course, which enlightening proof and which look and
is there? Listen O Aalim Jaahil, O Jaahil
Aalim, O Arif , O Waasil Aamil
! [Complete] proof of [the
possibility of] Didaar is found from this Noble Verse: Allah
says: and whoever hopes to meet his Lord let him do righteous work (18:110)
The righteous work means 'therefore,
flee unto Allah' (51:50) and the unrighteous work of the Shirk
and Kufr
'therefore flee away of Allah'. Which [Course] do you like?
[Now it is up to you]. O Seeker! Be enlightened!
That person, who has titivated tongue (and words) in the Ilm-of-Outward
and Fazeelat (excellence) but has no information of the
Ilm-e-Ayan, that is, Tasdeeq through heart and the Ilm-of-Inward
(Inwardly Ilm), is a beast completely and bondman of Satan. He is Dead
Hearted. Although he reads the Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis
by physical
tongue, yet inside him, his Nafs is sitting as a Jaahil , villainous
Lucifer and a hypocrite Satan. Do you know that the Nafs
of some people uses to be Kaafir or Jew or Hypocrite or polytheist
or delusive or more cruel from core? On the other hand, Nafs of
some people is Nafs-e-Ammara and some people are Muslim. The people with
the Nafs-e-Mutmainna are the Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam, the Great
Rahmatu-Allah Ta'ala Alaihim, Aalim endowed
with Ilm of Tasdeeq (acknowledgement), the Aalim endowed
with Ilm of Tahqeeq (verification) and the Masters of
the Ilm
of Taufeeq . These people are honored with Didaar through
Visualization, are with wakeful (and enlightened) hearts, the seers
of Mushahida , the People of Marifat and the People of Haq-ul-Yaqeen
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