But the Murshid-e-Kaamil ,
through the Haziraat and the Visualization of the
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) Yes this is a fact indeed that the Murshid
the People of Taqleed
makes the Seeker perplexed (and turbulent)
and disturbed by the travails of the Outwardly
and the Inwardly
by [engaging him in] Wird and Wazaaif and Rijat faced
in Dawat and spoils the Seeker by subjecting to the Zikr ,
Fikr and the Habs-e-Damm. But the Murshid-e-Kaamil makes
his Seeker the Naazir ((all) seer) through his Gaze
and Haazir ((all) present) with Inwardly Tawajuh for the Mushahida
of the honor of Didaar. If you are wise and intelligent, listen! If you
are Arif eligible for Didaar, listen! If you are the People-of-Dunya
the seeker of the carrion carcass, then listen! If you are Aalim
with signs of excellence, listen [attentively]! If you are absolutely
Jaahil with evil stature, listen [thoughtfully this Noble Verse]: Allah Almighty Hence, this Course of the mercy,
the treatment of the ailment and suffering of the curse of Kufr and Shirk,
is [Tark ] of this Dunya (World) because the Liking for
(World) keeps one barred from the Marifat
of Lord Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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