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If you are Seeker
of Faqar , you should abnegate all of these three, Because the Kaamil
Faqar is achieved through the Tauheed e Sirri , Faqar is Sultan,
why is it called panhandler, Lordship of Faqar
is on the Kingdom of Eternity, At this Station
neither the Zikr nor the Fikr nor wisdom can interfere, Only he, who finds
this Station and Martaba, sees the Beauties of God
Almighty, If someone asks
me if I have seen Him? [I would say]
since when the eyes have made contact with His Didaar, I have shut my Outward
eye. The Maratib of Faqeer
are those of the Mashooq (Beloved). Whatever the Mashooq (Beloved)
demands, the Aashiq grants and rather whatever is thought in the
heart of the Mashooq (Beloved), Aashiq becomes informed of
that and yet further, the Aashiq gives even the keenest desire
of the Mashooq (Beloved) through by Gaze and Tawajuh ! What is the difference between the Aashiq
and Mashooq (Beloved)? Both the Aashiq and Mashooq
(Beloved) are Drowned in studying "He loves and who love Him" (5:54) What is called be Faqar and,
after all, what is the entirety (and extremity) of the Faqar? Faqar is of two
kinds: one is that, which is liked by the creatures, other is
that, which is liked by the Creator. Thus, Faqar has two
witnesses [signs]: 1. First witness
[sign] is showing honor unto the Commands of Allah
Almighty 2. Second witness
[sign] is Affection that is, being affectionate with best
conduct with the creatures of Allah
acquiring the best morals like Allah
Almighty Khulq (tremendous nature and
conduct) has
been declared 'one-half' of the Islam Allah Almighty That person, who has morals and
conduct are of the high stature, reaches onto the Martaba of the Qalb-e-Saleem
. He, who reaches onto the Martaba of Qalb-e-Saleem , confides
his cause unto Allah
(and accepts Haq) and it is he, who is on the straight
path of those, 'Whom You have favored' (1:7) Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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