Above all these Maratib is slaughtering
the Four Birds by the Jamey (Comprehensive) and Murshid-e-Kaamil
for the True-Seeker, which are the Four Nafs: Nafs-e-Ammara
, Nafs-e-Lawwama , Nafs-e-Mulhimma and Nafs-e-Mutmainna or
all the Four-Elements : Air (Baad), Water (Aab), Fire
(Fire) and Soil (Khaak) or are the Four Stations:
Shariyat , Tareeqat , Haqeeqat and Marifat . BAYT (COUPLET) First, I was
Four, then became Three and then Two, And when I gave
up Duality, I have become one (and unified).
The Four Birds are these: Pigeon
of Desires, Cock of Shahwat
, Crow of Greed (and grasping)
and Peacock of Pomp. [When all these Four Birds have been
slaughtered,] the True-Seeker finds the Didaar of Lord explicitly through the
Noor-ul-Huda Murshid. Countless treasures of Beneficence
of Allah
Almighty are
in his custody. BAYT (COUPLET) I am Akmal , Kaamil ,
Mukammil , Jamey as well as Noor-ul-Huda , As regards to Maratib, the numinous
Faqeer Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed in Allah) is Maalik-ul-Mulk . If a king strives extremely hard all of
his life and travels and remains concerned to get access unto (the Maratib
of) the Faqeer Maalik-ul-Mulki the Master of Jazb [by all
means], he will not succeed anyway. But if a Faqeer Wali-Allah
the king will come before him running bare footed and will become his slave
in a second all time ready to serve. Hence, king is subordinate to Faqeer.
Every land and state, all kingdoms and continents from the East to West fall in
the Tasarruf of the Faqeer. No mission of king can
meet success unless the Faqeer Wali-Allah
gives Outwardly
and Inwardly
unto him, even if he keeps innumerable armed forces at his disposal,
reads Ilm of Dawat beyond limits every day and night and uses inestimable
treasure and spends with gold and silver! Noor ul Huda Qalan Noor ul Huda Kalan pdf download Install app |
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