The tongue of Faqeers is the Sword
of Allah
Almighty The Nobel Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam "He [Allah] is still the same as He has
ever been" Hazrat Muhammad ?"Only that comes
out of a pot that was present in it" Almighty Evolver The Sukhan (Word of say) of the Kun
{Be! (36:82)} was one which split into two parts in the
world. The first part is concerning the Outward. The Aalim, in
the study of its Ilm, explains through his tongue as the Noble
Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam The second part of the (Kun) is concerning
the Arifeen, who are the Privy (and Insiders) of the Mysteries
of God. These Faqeers are with serene inner-selves, of
truthful hearts, the folk of Siddique May Allah
be pleased with them In order to deliver the Outwardly Uloom
of the books up to the level of accomplishment of Fazeelat, one has to
remain engaged thirty years in reading, teaching and headache and the hard work
of study and commentary. However, the attainment of Fazeelat in the Inwardly
is accomplished (and attained) within a day and night or within an hour
of a trice or within a breath through the Beneficence of Allah, the
attainment of the Marifat
of Faqar of Hazoori, the Haziraat
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
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