In the name of
the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise be to
Allah, Lord of the Worlds (1:2) and lo! the good end is for those, who keep
their duty (unto Him) (7:128) and Darood
and Salaam
be upon the Prophet of Allah
Almighty - Hazrat
Muhammad After this, author of this book, the Ghulam
Qadiri Faqeer Bahu The speech in these pages although appears
part in aspect of study, [yet in fact it] is total a Touchstone
for the Ulema-Bi-Allah and Faqeer Wali-Allah
because in this part, are
present Outward treasures of Allah
and all Inwardly buried treasures
of the Marifat
of Hazoori because these Ahwaal of the ordinary
and exceptional are Key to break the talisman of the
body through the Auspiciousness (and blessing) of Hikmat received
through the Name of Allah the Essence This way is found through Yaqeen,
which, for the Saalikeen, is a link like Sawaab and pathway of
Tahqeeq and inclining Faqeers Fanaa-Fi-Allah
(Destroyed in Allah Allah Almighty [And] the Almighty Evolver "That is bounty of Allah, which He gives
unto whom He wills, Allah
is of infinite bounty (62:4) Hazrat Muhammad Taig Brahna pdf download Install app |
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