The preliminary Maratib of the Seeker
of Allah
are these that
he does the Tahqeeq of his predestination and identifies his Murshid
through the Taufeeq of the demand and with Obedience same
as son does the Tahqeeq and identification of his father! This
type of Yaqeen is called Kul ul Kaamil
(the All-inclusive Perfection).
Thus, if the beneficence-of-Fazal is present with the Seeker
Azal, then the Fervor
of the demand for the Ilm Hikmat [and]
Marifat will burn him in a way as fire burns dry wood. Equanimity
and respite, dream and rest will not last in the Seeker
but instead he
will abhor from and flee away of the creatures. The Lesson of Hairat
be harder for him than even death!
The demand for the Noor of
is not felt urgent by the Seeker as long as the company of
and meeting between such a Murshid-e-Kaamil the Seeker
of the People-of-Hazoor
the Granter of Jamiyat, does not take place.
The Murshid-e-Kaamil
grants Jamiyat and
genuineness (and devotion) upon demand and upon demand, causes
Immersion in Noor
in the Essence
of Lord
[and] takes him unto the Visualization of
the Noor of Hazoor and the Seeker, by means of mere demand, satisfactorily
reaches unto Noor of Hazoor and gets deliverance against the sting [of
It should be known that the entire Mataalib
of Seeker are in death (that is, Die-before-Death) and the
of the Muhabbat of the Mushahida of the Majlis of
the Holy Prophets Alaihis-Salaam
and the
Honorable Aulia-Allah
is also inside death; and the Meeting
with the Drowned in the Essence
of Allah
is in death; and Didaar
of Lord
and the ascension
to the Qurb of Hazoori is [also] in death. As long as the
of death does not reach unto the Maratib of Die-before-death
, he cannot become Privy
(and Insider) of Mysteries [and] can never become Waasil
with the Qurb
of Marifat of Allah. Moreover, that Seeker, who
has not Jamiyat and is the seeker
of Dunya (World),
he is always much suffered and despised and the Seekers of the Life
to Come and the Houries and Palaces are countless.
One, out of thousands, is such a Seeker
of Lord
, who is
up to the satisfactory mark in the eyes the affectionate Murshid [and]
is worthy of the Hazoor of the Provider
. That Seeker, who demands the Marifat
and Wisaal,
he should spend all that he possesses for its [attainment].