In the Outward the Ilm is conduct
(and ethics) and manners. "knowledge, to high ranks"(58:11), which is a Martaba, those Uloom
of many thousands ranks which are revealed through the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat), they at once, with this power of the look of
Inwardly Ilm, erase the Ilm from the bosom of the [Outward]
in such a way they feel unable to recognize or read even an alphabet
because the Aulia-Allah
Faqeer Wali-Allah
acquire Ilm of bosom from
bosom, Ilm
of gaze
from gaze, Ilm
of Tauheed
with Tauheed, through Tawajuh
the Tawajuh
and the Ilm
of the Ain-ul-Ayan! The Faqeers Aulia-Allah
are the Talmeez-Ur-Rahmaan - with full power and control on
their Nafs and with disagreement with the Satan. Allah Almighty says: and had taught him (Khizar) knowledge
from Our presence (18:65)
Allah Almighty says: and He taught Adam all the names
Allah Almighty says: taught man that which he knew not
Almighty says: and
have breath into him of My spirit (15:29)
Allah Almighty says: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in
earth (2:30)
Allah Almighty says: Verily We have honored the children
of Adam (17:70)
ABYAAT (COUPLETS) Ilm is meant for the
Marifat, Wahdat and Liqaa of Allah
Almighty, [And] Ilm
(a person) from Baatil and greed and desire, The Ilm
of Haq
is Noor that favors the Essence of Noor, By Ilm, man
becomes Arif and reaches unto the Wahdat and Hazoor of Allah
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