Nonetheless, Maratib are five: 1. Fanaa 2. Fanaa-ul-Fanaa 3. Baqaa 4. Baqaa-ul-Baqaa That person, who transits these
four Maratib, he [is as if] becomes eligible for all the seven
castles. This same thing is the Istaghraaq Fanaa-Fi-Allah
Baqaa. 5. Faqeer uses to be Kaamil
in Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destruction in Allah O stupid the captive of the Nafs
and desire! Allah BAYT (COUPLET) Bahu [And] these Maratib are of the Arifeen
of Haq, who have sacrificed their souls. Maulana Room s Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe I have tension for
rhyme and my Sweetheart says to me: You should not
bring any thought in your heart besides My Didaar! [That is, whence I
think for deciding rhyme for composing this Masnavi, as it vital thing of every
poem, thence the thought of the Real beloved What is the Reality
of a letter of alphabet that you are concentrating about it? What thing a
letter of alphabet is? It is just a spike of the trellis of wine yard, [Since letters of
alphabet and words carry and explicit and implicit meanings and gleanings,
therefore the words have been said as the likeness of the trellis that keeps
the grapes fixed in it and keeps them safe and arranged] I expunge the
word, sound and discussion, So that I may talk
with You without all the three! Taig Brahna pdf download Install app |
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