[Thus] every that person, who has not
belief in the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat)
and the Name of Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
, he after falling in Rijat, becomes
outcast (Banished), apostate and atheist.
The Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
is a Name. As long as the Murshid-e-Kaamil
does not completely employ Tawajuh day and night on the Demand of
the Seeker
and the Seeker
does not believe him present and
dominant in the Outward and the Inward
and does not make him Favorite
(and Accepted one) of his gaze, until then the Seeker
never gain the Qurb of Lord
and Hazoori [because] this Course of
Wahdat is of the Istiqamat of the Marifat the Qurb of Tauheed.
That is why, full Istiqamat has to be maintained in the Qurb Ma-Allah
Ba Hazoor
the reproof of the creatures has to be peacefully borne for the Cause of
up to the
extent that he lifts this weighty and onerous load until the Day of
Judgment. These are the Mysteries of the Ability of Lord
of the
[and it is] such a Jamiyat, that neither has Decadence
(and downfall) nor any perplexity, [here is] Compelling (Jabbari)
and Subduing (Qehhari) because of this Noble Verse:
Allah Almighty
says: Lo! We offered the trust to heavens and the
earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And
man assumed it. Lo! He has proved a tyrant and a fool (33:72)

The Almighty Evolver
says: So tread you the straight path
as you are commanded (11:112)

Allah Almighty
says: Obey Allah
and obey the Messenger and those
of you who are in authority (4:59)

And inside the ambit of "obey Allah"
fall those Faqeers, who
are the Wali-Allah and exercise Obedience to Allah
Almighty; and
in "and obey the Messenger"
those Faqeers, who the Ulema of Haq and are active in
exercising the Obedience to the Messenger of Allah
and the "in authority"
(Oolul-Amar) Faqeers are the Friends of Allah
And the Path of the Visualization of
the Name of Allah the Essence
with the Qurb
with Allah
is the Ain-Ba-Ain
in Hazoor.