Each and every Saalik and each and every
(Sufi) Order and [the Wayfarer of] of every (Sufi) Family,
if undertakes Chillas and becomes a hermit or [continuously does] Zikr
and Fikr and hits his head against stone [with excessive] Riyazat,
even then the end of every (Sufi) Order does not touch the start
of the Qadiri
(Sufi) Order because Qadiri
(Sufi) Order is like sun and [all]
other (Sufi) Orders are like lamp and what opportunity lamp has to shine before
sun! This Risalah is titled 'Taigh
e Barhana' (the Naked Sword) and entitled 'the Zulfiqar' (the
Sword of Hazrat
Ali Ibne Abi Talib ABYAAT (COUPLETS) ?The swordsman clutches
the sword in his hand, Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed
in Allah And [he] keeps the
evil people away of the desires of the Nafs, These Maratib are of the Arifeen
and the Aulia-Allah. [MARATIB OF
AULIA-ALLAH] Allah Almighty And each and all (jointly and severally) Aulia
are the friends of Allah. Wali-Allah is called that person, who comes
out the four Darkness (Zulmaat) that is: the Darkness (Zulmaat) of the creatures,
the Darkness (Zulmaat) of the Dunya (World), the Darkness (Zulmaat) of
the Nafs and the Darkness (Zulmaat) of the Satan and enters these
four Lights: the Noor of Ilm, the Noor of Zikr,
the Noor of Ilhaam, and the Noor of Marifat with Qurb
of Hazoor. At the fourth degree, should Drown into the Mushahida
of the Essence of the Noor of Baqaa.
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