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Makhzanul Asrar Makhzan Ul Asrar


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Oo'rafa Jaba-roota Fa Kha-laq-tul Khalqa Naa-soota. Zaa-tay Sar Chash-ma-hay Chash-maa-nay Haqee-qatay Ha-huwiyyat, Haz-ratay Ishq Ba-laa-ee Konain Bar-gahay Kib-riyaa Wa Takh-tay Sal-ta-nat Aa-raas-ta, Az Ka-maa-lay Ib-ratay Maa-hiyyatay Zaa-tay Paa-kash Haza-raan Ha-zaar Be-shu-maar Qa-waa-filay Aqal Sang-saar. Sub-haan Allah! Az Aj-saamay Anaa-siray Khaa-ki Ba-Hazaar Maz-her Za-hooray Aa-saa-ray Jamaal Wa Ja-laa-lay Qud-ratt Haa-ee Kaa-milah, Aa-ee-na-ee Baa Sa-faa Saakh-tah, Ta-maa-shaa-ee Roo-ay Ze-baa Mee Far-maa-eed. Khud Ba Khud Qu-maa-ray Ishq mee Ba-zad, Khud Nazar Wa Khud Naa-zir Wa Khud Manzoor, Khud Ishq , Khud Aashiq



My Jabroot be identified. Thus, I created the creation in the realm of the Nasoot . That is, the Fount of the Eyes of the Reality of the Haa Huwiyyat, His Highness Ishq [that is, the Real Ma'shooq], decorated His Royal Throne of His domain in the Court of His Magnificence above both the Worlds. With the perfect lesson about the nature of His Pure (holy) Essence, many thousands, rather, innumerable caravans of wisdom were stoned to death. Praise be for Allah! Thousands of the evidences of His Jamaal and Jalaal are being manifested through the material bodies of the earthly elements. His Omnipotent Ability is as if, watching the spectacle of His Matchless Beauty in a clear mirror created, by It; and is Himself playing the game of Love by Himself; He Himself is the Vision, Himself the Viewer and Himself the Favorite Sight. He Himself is the Ishq , Himself the Aashiq




Wa Khud Ma'shooq. Agar Parda Ra Az Khud Bar An-daa-zee, Hamah Yak Zaat Wa Du-ee Hamah Az Ah-waa-lay Cha-sham-eest. Mee Go-yed Mu-sannafay Tas-neef, Mu'ta-kifay Ha-reemay Jalaal Wa Ja-maa-lay Haa-hu-wiyyatay Haq, Meh-way Sha-hooday Zaatay Mut-liq, Ain Inaa-yat Az Sha-hooday Mash-Hooday Ma'bood A-lal Haq, Dar Mehday Naa-zay Sub-haani Maa A'zama Shaa-ni Ba-sadray Ezzat Taajay Ma'rifat Wa Wah-datay Mut-liq Barr Sar Wa Ra-daa-ee Tas-fiyya Wa Taz-kiyya-ee An-ta Anaa Wa Anaa



And Himself the Mashooq. O Seeker! If you lift the cover of Self-conceit halting (and intervening) in-between, the same Entity, showing its Beauty, will be seen by you. All this Duality [the realm of Multiplicity] is the deception of your squint eyes.


The author of this book; a recluse in the Sanctuary (Court) of the Jalaal and Jamaal of the Haa Huwiyyat of Allah Almighty; Drowned in the Didaar of the Essence of Haq; accepted in the eye of Favor of the Rightful Deity that is, the Witnessed Omnipresent; swinging in the cradle of Divine Pride of "how great my splendor is"; wearing the crown of Marifat and Wahdat on his head at the Center of the Utmost respect; at the Station of "You are Me, and I am You",


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Rasala Rohi Sheriff. (rrs)    رساله روحي شريف      Kashf ul Asrar (ka)    کشف الاسرار    Noor ul Huda Qalan (nhq)     نورالهدي  کلان    Mahabbat ul Asrar (ma)     محبت الاسرار    Taig Brahna (tb)     تيغ برهنه      Didar Buksh Khurd (dbk)     د يدار بخش خورد      Majalsatul Nabi (p) (mn)     مجالسة النبي صل و سلم       Orung Shahi (os)     اورنگ شآهي         Ganjul Asrar (ga)    گنج الاسرار    NoorulHuda Khurd (nhk)    نورالهدي خورد    Qalide Tohid (kt)     کليد التوحيد      Muhakumul Faqar (mhf)     محکم الفقر    Dedar Baksh Qalan (dbq)    ديدار بخش کلان    Anul Arfien (aa)    عين العارفين    Dewane Bahu � (dwb)    ديوان باهو    Muftahul Arfien (mfa)    مفتاح العارفين    Tofiqe Hadiat (th)    توفيق الهدايت    Qalide Janat (kj)    کليد جنت    Qurbay Dedar (qd)    قرب ديدار    Fazalul Laqa (fl)    فض اللقا    Asrarul Qadri (aq)    اسرار القا د ري    Mhikal Faqar Khurd (mkk)    محک الفقر خورد    Jamiaul Asrar (ja)    جا مع الاسرار    Amerul konan (amk)    امير الکو نين    Aqal Badar (ab)    عقل بيدار    Anul Faqar (anf)    عين الفقر    Mhikal Faqar Qalan (mkq)    محک الفقر کلان    Way to get Spiritual Power (fht)    فيض حاصل کرنے کا طريقه    Tasavver Asmi Allah Zat (taz)    تصور اسم الله ذات کا طريقه    Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r) Life (sht)    سلطان باهو � کے سوانح حيا ت    Malfuzat Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r) (ml)    � ملفو ظات حضرت سلطان باهو    HaqBahu � Punjabi Poetry (akb)    � پنجا بي کلام ابيا ت با هو    Makhzanul Asrar (SultanulOrad) (mkha)    (مخزن الاسرار (سلطا ن الاوراد    Translate Books and Get Spiritual Power

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