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Makhzanul Asrar Makhzan Ul Asrar


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Haf-taad Ha-zaar Saal Gharaq Behray Jamaal, Bar Shajaray Mir-aa-tul Yaqeen Paida Shu-dand. Ba-juz Zaatay Haq Az Azal Taa Abad Cheezi Nah Dee-dand Wa Maa Sewaa Allah Gaa-he Na Shu-nee-dand. Ba-haree-may Kib-ri-yaa Daa-em Bah-rul Wisaal Laa Za-waal, Gaa-he Jas-day Noori Po-shee-dah Bah Taq-dees Wa Tan-ziyyah Me Ko-shee-dand. Gaa-he Qat-rah Dar Bahr Wa Gaa-he Bahr Dar Qat-rah Wa Ri-daa-ee Faizay Ataa Izaa Tammal Faqar Fa Hu-Allah Bar Ee-shaan, Pus Ba-ha-yaatay Abadee Wa Ezz Taajay Sar-ma-dee Al Faqar Laa Yuh-taaju Elaa Rabbi-hee



They, since the Azal till the Abad , neither saw anything else except His Essence nor did they hearken anything except Allah's Call of the Alast. They had been ruminating and drowned in the everlasting eternal Wisaal in the Harem of the Majesty. At times, as Noori Bulks, they have strived in veneration and transcendence, and at times, they have been like "drop in the Ocean and the Ocean in the drop". In addition, the robe of the Vouchsafed Beneficence of the "When Faqar reaches unto its extremity (and entirety), that is Allah," is on their shoulders. They are endowed with that extraordinary special Faqar and possess the crown of the Eternal-Life (and existence) and infinite Honor by virtue of which, they are not needy of their Sustainer nor of His Outsiders (When one has found Allah, need for Him ends).





Wa Laa Elaa Ghai-ri-hee Mu-az-zaz Wa Mu-karram Az Aaf-ree-nishay Adam Alaihi Salaam Wa Qi-yaa-mat Qi-yaa-mat Heech Aa-gaa-he Na Da-rand. Qa-damay Ee-shaan Bar Saray Jumla Aw-liyaa Ghaus Wa Qutab. Agar Aan-haara Khuda Kha-waani Bajaa Wa Agar Banda-ee Khuda Daani Rawaa. Alima Mann Alima. Ma-qaa-may Ee-shaan Ha-reemay Zaatay Kib-ri-yaa Wa Az Haq Maa Se-waa Al Haq Cheezi Nah Tal-bee-dand Wa Bah Dun-yaa-ee Dunee Wa Na-eemay Okh-ra-wee Hoor Wa Qa-soor, Ba-hisht Wa Do-zakh Ba-Ka-rish-mahay Na-zar Na Dee-dand Wa Azaan



They are esteemed and dignified even before the creation of Hazrat Adam Alaihis-Salaam and they have no concern with the commencement of the Doomsday as well as and the Accountability (and answer), Judgment and Punishment. Their foot is on the heads of the entire Aulia-Allah the Ghaus and the Qutab. If they are called God it is correct; and if (you) call them the bondmen of God, it is [also] admissible. He came to know [this sign] who knew it. Their Station is the Sanctuary of the Essence of His Majesty. They never demanded from Haq anything other than Haq and have never gazed upon the sensual pleasures of the sordid Dunya (World) and the bounties of the Hereafter, that is, the Houries and Palaces the Heaven etcetera.


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