The Daqeeq and Real Nukaat
of every Ilm Uloom
can be known from seven kinds of Verses
of the Holy
Quran. Those Verses
are: the Wa'da (Promises), Wa'eed (Threats),
the Amar Bil Maroof (enjoining right conduct) (3:110), the Nahi Anil
indecency) (3:110),
the anecdotes of the Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam, the Naasikh
(abrogating), the Mansookh (abolished). This Risalah (Didaar
Bakhsh Khurd) [is as if] the Tafseer of the Holy Quran. Every that
person, who repudiates the Glorious Quran, is accursed Satan. ABYAAT (COUPLETS) See Didaar through
Didaar so that Haq-ul-Yaqeen can be got by you, He, who has not Yaqeen,
he is of the People of Curse, I am Knight-Rider
in Shariyat, and beat the drum (of my excellence) in the Tareeqat, I am Model of
Haq in the Haqeeqat and Arif Orator in the
Marifat, If the Seeker
[of Allah] is with good conjecture, I will donate him Kimiya Akseer, I am Aalim
of Tasarruf [Tasawvuf] and all of part and whole are in
under my command, Leader Murshid should be one,
who delivers you to the asylum of peace, ?And the one who,
keeps company with Allah
Almighty in the Lamakaan and La-nishaan, This body and
soul brightened through the Visualization of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat), He, who does not
have this power, he is a just a bragger.
O obedient Seeker of Allah! Demand
Marifat of Didaar
of Lord, which
the Shariyat of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam orders, which is the Haq from
the Depth of Kun
{Be! (36:82)}, is the legitimate (and based on Truth), you
should choose it. Give up the unclean excremental carrion
carcass of Dunya
(World). That, which is Baatil upon Baatil and
from the Baatil say it goodbye. First, the Seeker
should bring [Dunya]
into his Tasarruf and Use after weighing it in the Scale
of Haq (Truth) and Baatil and should test for it. Also the Murshid-e-Kaamil
grants two Ilm of Kimiya to the True-Seeker in the
first stage: 1. The Kimiya
formula of the Skill:
thus, gold-and-silver. 2. The Kimiya
of Visualization
the Master-of-gaze. Didar Buksh Khurd pdf download Install app |
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