The Naqsh
e Wilayat
guide with infinite Hidayat is hereunder:

If the Seeker, in the very
first day, Demands the Marifat, Qurb
of Hazoor , the Qurb
Fi Allah Hazoor , Absorption in Noor and Comprehensive
Jamiyat all at once from the outset to the end from the Murshid
then the Murshid-e-Kaamil should open (and unlock) all the objectives
of the Seeker
through the Name-Allah-the-Essence
or through the Naqsh
(Circle) that its complete details be seen by him; and he should
grant him Hazoori through the Ilm of Hazoor and bring him
out of every Darkness.
Allah Almighty
says: Allah
is the Protecting Friend
those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into light (2:257)

When the Arif
(Destruction in Allah
) Noorani
and the Aalim-Bi-Allah Sairaani
read the Ilm of Sirr , all Hijaab get unveiled and his
entire body turns completely into Noor from the top to toe. These are
the Maratib are of Hama-Ost which are also called Sirr Maghaz-O-Post,
which links with the Friend. If you have the "eye", you should see
(the Sight of Allah); if you do not have "eye", Demand that
"eye". Dunya (World) is irreligious and a carrion carcass and Dunya
(World) is the Hijaab in-between Slave and Lord. If
all the calamities and total blights are assembled in one compartment, the base
of it is this very Dunya (World). Dunya
(World) is sordid and a swindler
in Both-the-Worlds. For the wise, this one Sukhan
(Word) is

Naqsh e Wilayat:
Sultan Bahu
? Qaddas-Allah Sirru-hul Aziz
has given the titlte of Naqsh e Wilyat to this
Naqsh because all the blessed Names shown in it are
the Names of Wali. Since the Four Friends Radhi-ya-Allahu Ta-aala Anhum
were Great
Wali of Allah
Almighty. Every Prophet is also a Wali so Hazrat
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
is also Wali and his
blessed Name has also been
mentioned in above Naqsh as Wali. Wali is also a Name
of Allah
Almighty. When he sees this Naqsh, love and affinity with
Allah, His Prophet
and the
Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
takes birth in the heart of the Seeker and he gets the benefits and
auspiciousness from the Wilayat of these Walis. That is why this Naqsh
is called Naqsh e Wilayat. [Explanation by Dr. K. B. Naseem Rh.]