Almighty says: did He not
find you destitute and enrich (you)? (93:8)
? Hence, attaining unto the Ghanayat and
becoming Waasil with God is the fount of the infinite Condescension
(with complaisance) and Fazal
of Lord. Ilm of Dawat
is like a Naked
Sword, which the Faqeer the Dominant upon the Aulia-Allah,
by reading on graves the Arif
of God, the Knight-Rider, Master
of Dawat
and the Aamil gets the Complete-Answer-as-Advice-and-help
(Jawaab-ba-Sawab) from the Qurb of the Hazoor of Lord.
Through this Dawat, all the Dawaat through the Quran get unlocked
and certainly, Taufeeq is received through this Ilm of Dawat. The first experiment of the Dawat
through Quran is this that Both-the-Worlds are traversed through
its recitation, and the study of the Ilm of the Loh-e-Mahfooz
is achieved and this that (it) takes every Seeker to the desired Mataalib.
That Aamil,
will read the Holy Quran once conformable
to this Tareeq, his Amal
will not stand still till the Day of Resurrection! The Dawat through the Holy Quran is
the Key to every lock of the Mataalib of Ayaat by
which many Locks are unlocked and are shown provided if it
eliminates all worries in a breath and in a single step. Going
out of the Extremity of Dawat is of the Taqleed and
entering it is of the Khatam of Tauheed. The advantages in
the Secret of Wahdat are so many that cannot be enumerated in even many
big voluminous books. The Prideful of the Foundation of Dawat
that is,
the Aalim of Dawat can cause the entire world Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed
in Allah) in a single
breath and one step same as the indispensable death does and in
the second breath (he) delivers the Beneficence of Baqaa, that is,
of the Jamiyat with Mataalib. [O True-Seeker] Lo! If the one, who
is of the People-of-Dawat, grasps the Four-Elements that is,
the body of the enemy made by water, air, soil and fire through Damm-Ba-Damm,
coldness is produced in the body [of the enemy] and he dies at the same time.
And if [the one, who is of the People-of-Dawat, grasps the body of
the enemy made of the Four-Elements], through soil by Damm-By-Damm,
the (efficacious) effectiveness of soil induces in his body and
he dies at the same moment. This Dawat is like a Sword (Zulfiqar)
for killing the insidious
enemy and the Kaafir the use of which can only
be done by the Knight-Riders! BAYT (COUPLET) I am a mighty and
powerful Knight-Rider, Because keep my Nafs
under myself like a riding! Orung Shahi Aurang Shahi pdf download Install app |
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