and the Last, and the Outward
and the Inward: and He is Knowledgeable of
all things (57:3). In the Praise of the Chief of
the Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam, the Seal of the
Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam, the Prophet of
the Lord of Worlds, (and) the overlord of the cosmos Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam, the verses of the
Holy Quran articulate. Many thousands Darood and Salaam, breath upon
breath, be upon our lord Muhammad the Arabian Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam, upon his progeny, and his Companions, his Followers and his Household Radhi-ya-Allahu Ta-aala Anhum collectively.
After this, the writer of this un-compiled
corpus, Faqeer
Bahu Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe, son of Bazaid Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe, Surname A'waan,
resident of Qala in the suburbs of Shor Kot linked with the Province Lahore, with
the order of Allah
authorization from the Prophet of God Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee
Wa-sallam says with Inwardly
Tahqeeq and Taufeeq of the Ilm-of-Outward
(Outwardly Ilm) that
through the Visualization of the Words of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat), 'coming
outside' from the impure covering of the Nafs and 'entering
inside' the Sifaat of Qalb is like clothing the Ruh ul
Amar and body with the subtle raiment. (Allah Almighty will exalt
those) who have Ilm, to high ranks" (58:11)". In addition, the Dead Heart gains "life"
from the Day of Resurrection by study and through the Ilm of the Tafseer rich with the (efficacious)
effectiveness, the Roshan-Zamir gets the full control and power over
the Nafs. The Ilm-Bi-Allah is got from the Fanaa-Fi-Allah
Faqeer the Sunni Master of the Sunnat
O Jama'at of the (Sufi) Order of
and the Sarwari-Qadiri
free of the pains of the Tajreed,
Tafreed and without Taqleed, through the Word Marifat and
the Tauheed of Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destruction in Allah). By reading the Dawat through Surah
(73) on
graves, Ilm is acquired through Meeting and companionship of
the Spirits of the Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam and the Aulia-Allah Rahmatu-Allah
Ta'ala Alaihim in Hazoor;
through the Ilm of Haziraat and the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat), uncountable immortal
treasure is received and through the Noor Conducting Visualization,
the Hazoori of the Majlis of the Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam, and the attainment of the Qurb
of Divine, becoming Waasil without effort and travail, becoming Waasil
with God through the clear mirror the Baqaa
of the realm (Baqaa e Alim Ayina
e Safaa), the revelation of the Ilm of all the Stations
and traversing the infinite for the sake of the Hidayat and Irshaad,
and showing the door of the Hidayat, through which, the everlasting Wilayat
and the Qurb of Hazoori
Ma'Allah (along with Allah)with Wisaal is
got. "Discard your Nafs and come up". Countless, unlimited and innumerable Maratib are
achieved. Hazrat Muhyiddeen [Aurangzeb
Alamgir] is the one, who is firm in Deen, the just king, very clearly
and exactly (Ain-Ba-Ain) aware of and the knowledgeable in every Tareeqat,
the Naazir
(seer), the beneficent
for the creation of Allah
Almighty, benefited with the attainment of the Name
Allah from every scripture
of the lord of lords (Rabbul-Arbaab) - the Ghaus ul
Azam (Hazrat Abdul-Qadir-Jelaani Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe) and the listener of the Complete-Answer-as-Advice-and-help
(Jawaab-ba-Sawab) against every word.
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