Sarwari-Qadiri is called that person who takes the Seeker of Allah to Allah through a single gaze and makes him Waasil-Bi-Allah. Also he is called Sarwari-Qadiri to him the overlord of Worlds Hazrat Muhammad Initiates (Bai-at that is the Oathh of allegiance for entrance in the Inwardly family) on his blessed hand and hands him over to Hazrat Shah Muhyiddeen Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jelaani (May Allah sanctify his Secret) and Hazrat Ghaus Shah Muhyiddeen Rahmatullah Alaihe who is the Pir of the Piraan blesses him and his heart never separates from Allah (P01 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd). Please also read P04 Kaleed e Jannat P50 Qurb e Didaar P46 Asraar ul Qadiri P151 Ain ul Faqar P22 P84 Noor ul Hudan Klaan P13 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P185-186-187-188 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan