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Malfuzat Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r)


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1.      It is essential that Dervish should remain vigilant at the time of eating food because the morsel is the likeness of a seed in the soil of the matrix of human body which when will be sown in ignorance Jamiyat will not be gained no matter even if that morsel is of the Halaal (Lawful) food.


2.      O capricious! The comfort of Dunya (World) is temporary like the flash of lightening and its Liking is transitory like the darkness of a black cloud. Neither the gains from its bounties should be loved nor should one grieve at troubles of its hardships. Wise is he who keeps away of animosity. His abstinence ability and glory should be more than the opponent. Bravery and valor of the valiant ones is seen on the day of battle; and the honesty of the trustees on the day of the return; the faithfulness of the woman and children on the day of indigence and the reality of the friends on the day of misfortune..!


3.      O wise dear! Just have a gaze upon the buried people (People-of-Graves ) in the cemetery for a while and be aware of their conditions (Ahwaal ). You will also have to come here after a few days. Hence you should get the Marifat and Wisaal of Lord because the time is like a sharp cutting sword. Take this life of a few days as a booty. If you get benefit from it it would be better because you are mortal and he who is mortal has destruction in the end.


4.      O Dervish! The Secret of Dervish is the Silence . He who says something other than the Haq (Truth) does not say a nice word; and that which is Haq cannot be encompassed by the word.


5.      The Master of Sagacity and Aqal-e-Kull (total wisdom) is he who first identifies the troubles caused by the Nafs and their identification is opposing the Nafs and going against the Nafs only means warding off evil for Allah Almighty.


Allah Almighty says: No doubt the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is one who is more pious among you (49:13)




6.      Faqeer-Fi-Allah is that person who is Emir over his Nafs by the Auspiciousness (and blessing) of the Holy Quran. That person who does not tread upon the desires of his Nafs and does not ride the horse of Nafs for him is impossible to reach unto these Inwardly Maratib no matter even if he Outwardly spends all his life in exercising Riyazat .


Allah Almighty says: and restrained his soul (Nafs ) from lust. Lo! The Garden will be his home (79:40-41)


That Nafs which has restrained itself from desires totally becomes the Nafs-e-Mutmainna .



(Saying of the Holy Prophet of Allah Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam)

That person who identified his Nafs identified his Lord.


7.      Identification of Nafs is achieved by Taufeeq of Lord and the identification of the Sustainer is accomplished through the Noor of Marifat and the light and clearness of the course.


8.      A Jaahil Murshid uses is the Mureed of Satan and an Aalim Murshid is the example of Hazrat Bayazid Bastami Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe.


9.      That person who sets his step in Faqar it is necessary for him that he should first test himself in the Ilm-of-Outward (Outwardly Ilm ) and Ilm-of-Inward (Inwardly Ilm) because if a Jaahil person will practice Faqar will face Rigat as insane and perplexed (and puzzled) ultimately becoming mad and Kaafir with distress and madness and his heart will be made Salb (divested and disqualified).


10.  You know that some Faqeers pay no heed to anyone. They own the wealth of favor and Tassaruf of the entire universe. However some Faqeers lack Jamiyat . They wander hopelessly here and there for the sake of a bit of bread. Both the Indigent Faqeers and the Ghani (Rich) Faqeers read the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat). There is no difference in Name Allah anywhere. Then what is the cause that one remains poor while the other becomes Ghani (rich in benevolence)? The only reason is this that he who knows the honor dignity and worth of the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) brings him unto the Martaba of honor dignity and worth. And that person who does not pay respect to the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) remains a victim of poverty and hunger. The Ulema experience same situation because of Ilm . He who is the Real Aalim has Taufeeq of every type.


11.  In the sight of Faqeer the People-of-Dunya are indigent and in the eyes of the People-of-Dunya Faqeers are poor but the Reality is this that although the Faqeer has the Tassaruf of all treasures of world but because of Istaghna (self-sufficiency) he does not gaze upon them in inclination.


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