45. That
person who kills the Nafs-e-Ammara with the Sword of the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) 46. That
Murshid who is Kaamil Mard
takes one unto in the Hazoori
of Lord and sees the Mushahida of the Noor of Lord through the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) 47. That
person whose heart is illuminated by the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) 48. If
someone is the Murshid-e-Kaamil
he brings the Seeker of Allah onto
the Ultimate Martaba of Zikr in a day and night and then he takes
the Seeker out of the Station of Zikr and delivers him unto
the Mazkoor . In case the Murshid is imperfect he ruins
and spoils the Seeker by engaging him for all his life in the Zikr
. 49. That
person who is the Seeker of the Holy Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 50. Shukar
(Thanksgiving) is the name of this thing that you should
be busy in Fervor of Allah
and do nothing other than the Zikr of
Lord. 51. Faqeer
is he who by just one Gaze of Condescension (with complaisance) causes
the Martaba of Seeker equal to his own Martaba and Seeker
should have to do no effort or Riyazat for this. This Taufeeq is with
the People of Hazoor
. That Murshid who himself has
Unremitting (and Constant) Hazoori
for him taking the Seekers too to the Majlis
of Hazrat
Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 52. He
is called the Seeker of Allah
abnegates everything other than Allah
desires nothing from Allah
Almighty other Allah
Almighty. 53. Those
people who are Faqeers do nothing else except the Zikr of
Allah. Such persons get the Life of Eternity in the end. 54. He
who says the Name of Lord even once with love (Muhabbat ) light remains
in his heart for seventy years. 55. Those
people who are desirous of money and wealth how can their relation be with God
Almighty? * 56. O
True-Seeker! When your God is with you you must not fear anyone else
nor should you keep any hope form anyone else other than God Almighty. That is
whoever believes Allah
with him; does not know any Outsider then. 57. O
Seeker! The death of People-of-Dunya is same as dogs and
cats die and they always remain under the Punishment of Lord. 58. Turning
the face away from Dunya (World) is the apex of all worships and choosing
Dunya (World) is root of every sin. 59. O
dear! If you desire to attain unto the Inwardly Maratib and want
to reach unto God Almighty then you should throw away the burden of the wealth
and riches which is heavier than the mountain of Qaaf and un-yoke
the yoke of greed of Dunya (World) from your neck and come out of the group
of Satan. 60. Classify
Dunya (World) as Kaafir (disbeliever) as it is given to the Kuffaar
(disbelievers). He who's Guide is Allah
Almighty always looks
forward to Allah
only. 61. O
62. The
sordid Dunya (World) is the share of those who are short of courage
(and mettle). Dunya (World) is an endless disgrace and ownership of
Satan. Same as the People-of-Dunya remain anxious for the wealth and
riches; Faqeers remain concerned for having the Didaar of Lord. 63. Without
following Shariyat no Riyazat or effort is useful. If such
Faqeer walks on surface of water it is as if he is a piece of grass;
and if he flies in air (levitates) he is just a housefly. His worth is no more
beyond this. Faqeer should please Allah
Almighty and His Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 64.
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